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bug#58124: Tealdeer: compile failure

From: Christopher Howard
Subject: bug#58124: Tealdeer: compile failure
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 11:33:40 -0800

Tealdeer-1.4.1 fails to build with this error:

   Compiling openssl-macros v0.1.0
error[E0659]: `parse_quote_spanned` is ambiguous (`macro_rules` vs 
non-`macro_rules` from other module)
859 |                 
proj_generics.make_where_clause().predicates.push(parse_quote_spanned! { span =>
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `parse_quote_spanned` could refer to the macro defined here
22  | / macro_rules! parse_quote_spanned {
23  | |     ($span:expr => $($tt:tt)*) => {
24  | |         syn::parse2(quote::quote_spanned!($span => 
$($tt)*)).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e))
25  | |     };
26  | | }
    | |_^
note: `parse_quote_spanned` could also refer to the macro imported here
7   |     *,
    |     ^
    = help: use `self::parse_quote_spanned` to refer to this macro unambiguously

error[E0659]: `parse_quote_spanned` is ambiguous (`macro_rules` vs 
non-`macro_rules` from other module)
108 |             *path = parse_quote_spanned! { path.span() =>
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `parse_quote_spanned` could refer to the macro defined here
22  | / macro_rules! parse_quote_spanned {
23  | |     ($span:expr => $($tt:tt)*) => {
24  | |         syn::parse2(quote::quote_spanned!($span => 
$($tt)*)).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e))
25  | |     };
26  | | }
    | |_^
note: `parse_quote_spanned` could also refer to the macro imported here
3   | use syn::{spanned::Spanned, visit_mut::VisitMut, *};
    |                                                  ^
    = help: use `self::parse_quote_spanned` to refer to this macro unambiguously

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
error: could not compile `pin-project-internal` due to 2 previous errors
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed
error: in phase 'build': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "cargo" arguments: ("build" "--release") 
exit-status: 101 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f> 
phase `build' failed after 41.0 seconds
command "cargo" "build" "--release" failed with status 101

My system:

christopher@theoden ~$ neofetch --stdout
OS: Guix System x86_64 
Host: OptiPlex 9020 00 
Kernel: 5.18.19-gnu 
Uptime: 20 days, 2 hours, 45 mins 
Packages: 93 (guix-system), 177 (guix-user) 
Shell: bash 5.1.8 
Resolution: 1920x1080 
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: .gnome-terminal 
CPU: Intel i5-4570 (4) @ 3.600GHz 
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 8490 / R5 235X OEM 
Memory: 3075MiB / 7867MiB 

馃摏 Christopher Howard
馃殌 gemini://gem.librehacker.com
馃寪 http://gem.librehacker.com

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