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bug#51639: The home-environment example on Guix manual has an error

From: Luis Henrique Gomes Higino
Subject: bug#51639: The home-environment example on Guix manual has an error
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2021 09:50:34 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.5; emacs 27.2


the example present in the 11.1 section of the guix manual ((guix)
Declaring the Home Environment) uses a list of strings in the
bash-profile field of home-bash-configuration, which is incorrect, as it
expects a list of file-like objects.

The example is as follows:

 (use-modules (gnu home)
              (gnu home services)
              (gnu home services shells)
              (gnu services)
              (gnu packages admin)
              (guix gexp))
  (packages (list htop))
    (service home-bash-service-type
              (guix-defaults? #t)
              (bash-profile '("\
 export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.bash_history"))))
(simple-service 'test-config
                    (list `("config/test.conf"
                            ,(plain-file "tmp-file.txt"
"the content of ~/.config/test.conf")))))))

Running "guix home build" with a file containing this returns this error:

building /gnu/store/cvmpzmvb0p73dvbf813rcmpplj6fnbk8-bash_profile.drv...
8 (primitive-load "/gnu/store/w6nikzvdk66d1b8x579ra0vz0wl?")
 In ice-9/ports.scm:
    463:17  7 (call-with-output-file _ _ #:binary _ #:encoding _)
 In ice-9/eval.scm:
159:9 6 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7ffff3bb3f00>) #<outp?>)) 163:9 5 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7ffff3bb3f00>) #<outp?>)) 155:9 4 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7ffff3bb3f00>) #<outp?>)) 159:9 3 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 7ffff3bb3f00>) #<outp?>))
 In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
     152:2  2 (with-fluid* _ _ _)
 In ice-9/ports.scm:
440:11 1 (call-with-input-file " export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE?" ?)
 In unknown file:
0 (open-file " export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.bash?" ?) ERROR: In procedure open-file: In procedure open-file: No such file or directory: " export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.bash_history" builder for `/gnu/store/cvmpzmvb0p73dvbf813rcmpplj6fnbk8-bash_profile.drv' failed with exit code 1

I believe it should be changed to something like this:

 (use-modules (gnu home)
              (gnu home services)
              (gnu home services shells)
              (gnu services)
              (gnu packages admin)
              (guix gexp))
  (packages (list htop))
    (service home-bash-service-type
              (guix-defaults? #t)
              (bash-profile (list (plain-file "bash-profile" "\
 export HISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.bash_history")))))
(simple-service 'test-config
                    (list `("config/test.conf"
                            ,(plain-file "tmp-file.txt"
"the content of ~/.config/test.conf")))))))

This manages to build correctly.


Luis H. Higino

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