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bug#47971: Improve Guix commands for update/upgrade

From: bo0od
Subject: bug#47971: Improve Guix commands for update/upgrade
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 16:23:49 +0000

Not really personal, Its about when there are new users these commands looks horrible.

You can call it personal when im saying use this X instead B while X and B has the same bad approach or both are good. This is called personal e.g:

use upgrade instead of distro-upgrade = yeah very much is something not really benefiting/different and personal.

but pull or update , reconfigure or system-upgrade...etc this is not anymore personal as i have already explained in my reasoning above.

Bone Baboon:
bo0od writes:
The current commands used to make sure everything updated are not
friendly to type nor to memorize

The name of package management commands seems like it would largely be
personal preference.

Each person using Guix could customize the commands to their own
preferences using Bash aliases or an equivalent for the shell they are
using.  For Bash refer to the Aliases section of it's info

- pull -> update or refresh
- upgrade -> can be kept or package-upgrade
- reconfigure /etc/config.scm -> dist-upgrade or distro-upgrade or

For command names there are many package managers that you can look to
for inspiration. Here are some examples:

* Gentoo - emerge
* OpenBSD - pkg
* Void - xbps
* Alpine - apk
* Debian - apt
* Arch - pacam or paru
* Fedora - dnf

OR There is another approach some distros taking which is using
shortcuts to only letters e.g

pull -> p or -p
upgrade -> u or -u
reconfigure -> re or -re

This could also be done with shell aliases.

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