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bug#42669: [PATCH 3/4 (v2)] (ice-9 getopt-long): substantially re-writte

From: Dale Mellor
Subject: bug#42669: [PATCH 3/4 (v2)] (ice-9 getopt-long): substantially re-written to pass all the new tests
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2020 11:35:30 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.30.5-1.1

All of the original tests also still pass.  Also the entire guile build
actually depends on the correct functioning of this module, so we can be
quite confident that nothing has been broken.

* module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm: Substantially re-written.
 module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm | 459 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 309 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm b/module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm
index 14eaf8e23..06aa1a879 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/getopt-long.scm
@@ -157,16 +157,15 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (define-module (ice-9 getopt-long)
-  #:use-module ((ice-9 common-list) #:select (remove-if-not))
+  #:use-module (ice-9 control)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
-  #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
   #:export (getopt-long option-ref))
-(define %program-name (make-fluid "guile"))
-(define (program-name)
-  (fluid-ref %program-name))
+(define program-name (make-parameter "guile"))
 (define (fatal-error fmt . args)
   (format (current-error-port) "~a: " (program-name))
@@ -174,19 +173,16 @@
   (newline (current-error-port))
   (exit 1))
+;; name: string, required?: bool, single-char: char or #f, predicate:
+;; procedure or #f, value-policy: bool or 'optional.
 (define-record-type option-spec
-  (%make-option-spec name required? option-spec->single-char predicate 
+  (%make-option-spec name required? single-char predicate value-policy)
-  (name
-   option-spec->name set-option-spec-name!)
-  (required?
-   option-spec->required? set-option-spec-required?!)
-  (option-spec->single-char
-   option-spec->single-char set-option-spec-single-char!)
-  (predicate
-   option-spec->predicate set-option-spec-predicate!)
-  (value-policy
-   option-spec->value-policy set-option-spec-value-policy!))
+  (name         option-spec->name)
+  (required?    option-spec->required?    set-option-spec-required?!)
+  (single-char  option-spec->single-char  set-option-spec-single-char!)
+  (predicate    option-spec->predicate    set-option-spec-predicate!)
+  (value-policy option-spec->value-policy set-option-spec-value-policy!))
 (define (make-option-spec name)
   (%make-option-spec name #f #f #f #f))
@@ -194,117 +190,292 @@
 (define (parse-option-spec desc)
   (let ((spec (make-option-spec (symbol->string (car desc)))))
     (for-each (match-lambda
-               (('required? val)
-                (set-option-spec-required?! spec val))
-               (('value val)
-                (set-option-spec-value-policy! spec val))
-               (('single-char val)
-                (or (char? val)
-                    (error "`single-char' value must be a char!"))
-                (set-option-spec-single-char! spec val))
-               (('predicate pred)
-                (set-option-spec-predicate!
-                 spec (lambda (name val)
-                        (or (not val)
-                            (pred val)
-                            (fatal-error "option predicate failed: --~a"
-                                         name)))))
-               ((prop val)
-                (error "invalid getopt-long option property:" prop)))
-              (cdr desc))
+                (('required? val)
+                 (set-option-spec-required?! spec val))
+                (('value val)
+                 (set-option-spec-value-policy! spec val))
+                (('single-char val)
+                 (unless (char? val)
+                   (fatal-error "‘single-char’ value must be a char!"))
+                 (set-option-spec-single-char! spec val))
+                (('predicate pred)
+                 (set-option-spec-predicate! spec pred))
+                ((prop val)
+                 (fatal-error "invalid getopt-long option property: " prop)))
+               (cdr desc))
-(define (split-arg-list argument-list)
-  ;; Scan ARGUMENT-LIST for "--" and return (BEFORE-LS . AFTER-LS).
-  ;; Discard the "--".  If no "--" is found, AFTER-LS is empty.
-  (let loop ((yes '()) (no argument-list))
-    (cond ((null? no)               (cons (reverse yes) no))
-         ((string=? "--" (car no)) (cons (reverse yes) (cdr no)))
-         (else (loop (cons (car no) yes) (cdr no))))))
-(define short-opt-rx           (make-regexp "^-([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)"))
-(define long-opt-no-value-rx   (make-regexp "^--([^=]+)$"))
-(define long-opt-with-value-rx (make-regexp "^--([^=]+)=(.*)"))
-(define (looks-like-an-option string)
-  (or (regexp-exec short-opt-rx string)
-      (regexp-exec long-opt-with-value-rx string)
-      (regexp-exec long-opt-no-value-rx string)))
-(define (process-options specs argument-ls stop-at-first-non-option)
-  ;; Use SPECS to scan ARGUMENT-LS; return (FOUND . ETC).
-  ;; FOUND is an unordered list of option specs for found options, while ETC
-  ;; is an order-maintained list of elements in ARGUMENT-LS that are neither
-  ;; options nor their values.
-  (let ((idx (map (lambda (spec)
-                    (cons (option-spec->name spec) spec))
-                  specs))
-        (sc-idx (map (lambda (spec)
-                       (cons (make-string 1 (option-spec->single-char spec))
-                             spec))
-                     (remove-if-not option-spec->single-char specs))))
-    (let loop ((unclumped 0) (argument-ls argument-ls) (found '()) (etc '()))
-      (define (eat! spec ls)
-        (cond
-         ((eq? 'optional (option-spec->value-policy spec))
-          (if (or (null? ls)
-                  (looks-like-an-option (car ls)))
-              (loop (- unclumped 1) ls (acons spec #t found) etc)
-              (loop (- unclumped 2) (cdr ls) (acons spec (car ls) found) etc)))
-         ((eq? #t (option-spec->value-policy spec))
-          (if (or (null? ls)
-                  (looks-like-an-option (car ls)))
-              (fatal-error "option must be specified with argument: --~a"
-                           (option-spec->name spec))
-              (loop (- unclumped 2) (cdr ls) (acons spec (car ls) found) etc)))
+;; Extract the name of a long option given that it may or may not be
+;; surrounded by '--' and '=...'.
+(define isolate-long-name-re (make-regexp "^(--)?([^=]+)"))
+(define (isolate-long-name name)
+  (and=> (regexp-exec isolate-long-name-re name)
+    (λ (match) (match:substring match 2))))
+;;  Whatever the presentation of the long option, make sure it is in a
+;;  clean, normalized form (but this does NOT account for any value the
+;;  option might have).
+(define (re-present option)
+  (string-append "--" (isolate-long-name option) "="))
+;;  The /name/ can take the form of a long option entry on the command
+;;  line, with whatever decoration that entails.  Will return #f if a
+;;  spec does not exist for this named option.
+(define (find-spec-long specs name)
+  (and=> (isolate-long-name name)
+    (λ (name) (find (λ (a) (string=? (option-spec->name a) name)) specs))))
+;;  Return #f if a spec with the short /letter/ name does not exist.
+(define (find-spec-short specs letter)
+  (find (λ (a) (eqv? (option-spec->single-char a) letter)) specs))
+;;  Take, for example, /short/='-h' to '--help='.
+(define (double-up short specs)
+  (and=> (find-spec-short specs (string-ref short 1))
+    (λ (spec) (string-append "--" (option-spec->name spec) "="))))
+;;  This procedure does whatever is necessary to put the (ostensibly)
+;;  first item on the command-line into the canonical (normal) form
+;;  '--item=value'; this may mean consuming the next item of the
+;;  command-line (the first item of /rest/) to get the value.  Note that
+;;  the value may be missing, but the '=' sign will always be there in
+;;  the return.  The first item (/A/) will always be more than two
+;;  characters, and the first two characters will be "--", i.e. we are
+;;  processing a long option.
+;;  A          IN   string               The first argument on the command-line
+;;  rest       IN   list of strings      The remaining items of the 
+;;  specs      IN   list of option-spec  Options specification
+;;  remnant    OUT  list of strings      The unprocessed command line
+;;  processed  OUT  string               New command-line argument
+(define (normalize-long-option A rest specs)
+  (define (return-empty-arg) (values rest (re-present A)))
+  (define (return-arg-with-value)
+    (values (cdr rest) (string-append (re-present A) (car rest))))
+  (cond
+   ((string-index A #\=)
+    ;; The argument is already in the canonical form.
+    (values rest A))
+   ((find-spec-long specs A)
+    => (λ (spec)
+          (if (cond ((null? rest) #f)
+                    ((option-spec->predicate spec)
+                     => (λ (pred) (pred (car rest))))
+                    (else
+                      (case (option-spec->value-policy spec)
+                        ((#f) #f)
+                        ((optional) 
+                         (not (eqv? (string-ref (car rest) 0) #\-)))
+                        ((#t)
+                         (or (string->number (car rest))
+                             (not (eqv? (string-ref (car rest) 0) #\-)))))))
+              (return-arg-with-value)
+              (return-empty-arg))))
+   (else
+    ;; We know nothing about this option, abort operations.
+    (fatal-error "no such option: --~a" (isolate-long-name A)))))
+;;  This procedure does whatever is necessary to put the (ostensibly)
+;;  first item on the command-line into the canonical form
+;;  '--item=value'; this may mean consuming the next item of the
+;;  command-line (the first item of /rest/) to get the value.  Note that
+;;  the value may be missing, but the '=' sign will always be there in
+;;  the return.  The first item (/A/) will always be exactly two
+;;  characters, and the first character will be "-", i.e. we are
+;;  processing an isolated short option.
+;;  A          IN   string               The first argument on the command-line
+;;  rest       IN   list of strings      The remaining items of the 
+;;  specs      IN   list of option-spec  Options specification
+;;  remnant    OUT  list of strings      The unprocessed command line
+;;  processed  OUT  string               New command-line argument
+(define (normalize-free-short-option A rest specs)
+  (define (return-empty-arg) (values rest (double-up A specs)))
+  (define (return-arg-with-next-value)
+    (values (cdr rest) (string-append (double-up A specs) (car rest))))
+  (let* ((name (string-ref A 1))
+         (spec (find-spec-short specs name)))
+    (if (cond ((not spec) (fatal-error "no such option: -~a" name))
+              ((null? rest) #f)
+              ((option-spec->predicate spec)
+               => (λ (pred) (pred (car rest))))
+              (else (case (option-spec->value-policy spec)
+                      ((optional) (not (eq? (string-ref (car rest) 0) #\-)))
+                      (else => identity))))
+        (return-arg-with-next-value)
+        (return-empty-arg))))
+;; The /sequence/ is a string of characters from the command line, and
+;; the task is to decide if those characters are a viable clumped option
+;; sequence, possibly using some of the trailing characters as option
+;; values, or not.
+(define (viable-short sequence specs)
+  (cond ((eq? 0 (string-length sequence)) #t)
+        ((find-spec-short specs (string-ref sequence 0))
+         => (λ (spec)
+               (cond ((option-spec->predicate spec)
+                      => (λ (pred) (pred (substring sequence 1))))
+                     (else
+                      ;; If this optionʼs /value-policy/ allows the
+                      ;; option to take a value then this string is
+                      ;; viable as the remainder can be taken as that
+                      ;; value.  Otherwise we must assert the viability
+                      ;; of the rest of the line by recursion.
+                      (or (not (eq? #f (option-spec->value-policy spec)))
+                          (viable-short (substring sequence 1) specs))))))
+        (else #f)))
+;;  This procedure does whatever is necessary to put the (ostensibly)
+;;  first item on the command-line into the canonical form
+;;  '--item=value'.  Note that the value may be missing, but the '='
+;;  sign will always be there in the return.  The first item (/A/) will
+;;  always be *more* than two characters, and the first character will
+;;  be "-", i.e. we are processing a short option which is either
+;;  clumped with other short options, or is clumped with its value.
+;;  NOTE that, contrary to the other normalize procedures, the return
+;;  value of /processed/ can be #f, with the expectation that the
+;;  modified /remnant/ will be re-processed.
+;;  A          IN   string               The first argument on the command-line
+;;  rest       IN   list of strings      The remaining items of the 
+;;  specs      IN   list of option-spec  Options specification
+;;  remnant    OUT  list of strings      The unprocessed command line
+;;  processed  OUT  string               New command-line argument
+(define (normalize-clumped-short-option A rest specs)
+  (define (declump-arg) (values (cons* (string-append "-" (substring A 1 2))
+                                       (string-append "-" (substring A 2))
+                                       rest)
+                                #f))
+  (define (construct-arg-from-clumped-value)
+    (values rest (string-append (double-up A specs) (substring A 2))))
+  (unless (char-alphabetic? (string-ref A 1)) (values rest A))
+  (let ((spec (find-spec-short specs (string-ref A 1))))
+    (if (cond ((not spec) (fatal-error "no such option: -~a" (string-ref A 1)))
+              ((option-spec->predicate spec)
+               => (λ (pred) (pred (substring A 2))))
+              (else (case (option-spec->value-policy spec)
+                      ((optional) (not (viable-short (substring A 2) specs)))
+                      (else => identity))))
+        (construct-arg-from-clumped-value)
+        (declump-arg))))
+;;  Return a version of the command-line /args/ in which all options are
+;;  represented in long form with an equals sign (whether they have a
+;;  value or not).
+(define (normalize args specs stop-at-first-non-option?)
+  (call/ec
+    (λ (return)
+      (let loop ((args args) (processed '()))
+        (when (null? args) (return (reverse processed)))
+        (define A (car args))
+        (define L (string-length A))
+        (define (when-loop cond normalizer)
+          (when cond
+            (receive (remainder-args processed-arg)
+                     (normalizer A (cdr args) specs)
+                     (loop
+                       remainder-args
+                       (if processed-arg
+                           (cons processed-arg processed)
+                           processed)))))
+        (when (string=? "--" A)
+          (return (append (reverse processed) args)))
+        (when-loop (and (> L 2) (string=? (substring A 0 2) "--"))
+          normalize-long-option)
+        (when-loop (and (eqv? L 2) (eqv? (string-ref A 0) #\-))
+          normalize-free-short-option)
+        (when-loop (and (> L 1) (eqv? (string-ref A 0) #\-))
+          normalize-clumped-short-option)
+        (if stop-at-first-non-option?
+            (return (append (reverse processed) args))
+            (loop (cdr args) (cons A processed)))))))
+;;  Check that all the rules inherent in the /specs/ are fulfilled by
+;;  the /options/.
+(define (verify-specs-fullfilled specs options)
+  (for-each
+    (λ (spec)
+      (let* ((name (option-spec->name spec))
+             (value (assq-ref options (string->symbol name))))
+        (when (and (option-spec->required? spec) (not value))
+          (fatal-error "option must be specified: --~a" name))
+        (let ((policy (option-spec->value-policy spec)))
+          (when (and (eq? policy #t) (eq? value  #t))
+            (fatal-error "option must be specified with argument: --~a" name))
+          (when (and (eq? policy #f) (string? value))
+            (fatal-error "option does not support argument: --~a" name)))
+        (let ((pred (option-spec->predicate spec)))
+          (when (and pred (string? value) (not (pred value)))
+            (fatal-error "option predicate failed: --~a" name)))))
+   specs))
+;;  Check that all the options are matched by a specification.
+(define (verify-options options specs)
+  (for-each
+    (λ (value)
+      (unless (or (null? (car value))
+                  (find-spec-long specs (symbol->string (car value))))
+        (fatal-error "no such option: --~a" (car value))))
+   options))
+;;  This procedure will simply return if the options and the specs
+;;  conform with each other, or else will bail out with an error
+;;  message.
+(define (check-compliance options specs)
+  (verify-specs-fullfilled specs options)
+  (verify-options options specs))
+(define full-option-re (make-regexp "^--([^=]+)=(.+)?$"))
+;; The /normal-args/ are a normalized command line in which all
+;; options are expressed long-form, and the task here is to construct an
+;; /options/ object: an associative array of option names onto values
+;; (or #t if there is no value).
+(define (extract-options normal-args stop-at-first-non-option?)
+  (let loop ((args normal-args)
+             (options '())
+             (non-options '()))
+       (cond
+         ((null? args) (acons '() (reverse non-options) options))
+         ((string=? (car args) "--")
+          (acons '() (append (reverse non-options) (cdr args)) options))
+         ((regexp-exec full-option-re (car args))
+          => (λ (match)
+                (loop (cdr args)
+                      (acons (string->symbol (match:substring match 1))
+                             (or (match:substring match 2) #t)
+                             options)
+                      non-options)))
+         (stop-at-first-non-option?
+          (acons '() (append (reverse non-options) args) options))
-          (loop (- unclumped 1) ls (acons spec #t found) etc))))
-      (match argument-ls
-        (()
-         (cons found (reverse etc)))
-        ((opt . rest)
-         (cond
-          ((regexp-exec short-opt-rx opt)
-           => (lambda (match)
-                (if (> unclumped 0)
-                    ;; Next option is known not to be clumped.
-                    (let* ((c (match:substring match 1))
-                           (spec (or (assoc-ref sc-idx c)
-                                     (fatal-error "no such option: -~a" c))))
-                      (eat! spec rest))
-                    ;; Expand a clumped group of short options.
-                    (let* ((extra (match:substring match 2))
-                           (unclumped-opts
-                            (append (map (lambda (c)
-                                           (string-append "-" (make-string 1 
-                                         (string->list
-                                          (match:substring match 1)))
-                                    (if (string=? "" extra) '() (list 
-                      (loop (length unclumped-opts)
-                            (append unclumped-opts rest)
-                            found
-                            etc)))))
-          ((regexp-exec long-opt-no-value-rx opt)
-           => (lambda (match)
-                (let* ((opt (match:substring match 1))
-                       (spec (or (assoc-ref idx opt)
-                                 (fatal-error "no such option: --~a" opt))))
-                  (eat! spec rest))))
-          ((regexp-exec long-opt-with-value-rx opt)
-           => (lambda (match)
-                (let* ((opt (match:substring match 1))
-                       (spec (or (assoc-ref idx opt)
-                                 (fatal-error "no such option: --~a" opt))))
-                  (if (option-spec->value-policy spec)
-                      (eat! spec (cons (match:substring match 2) rest))
-                      (fatal-error "option does not support argument: --~a"
-                                   opt)))))
-          ((and stop-at-first-non-option
-                (<= unclumped 0))
-           (cons found (append (reverse etc) argument-ls)))
-          (else
-           (loop (- unclumped 1) rest found (cons opt etc)))))))))
+           (loop (cdr args) options (cons (car args) non-options))))))
 (define* (getopt-long program-arguments option-desc-list
                       #:key stop-at-first-non-option)
@@ -338,34 +509,22 @@ or option values.
 required.  By default, single character equivalents are not supported;
 if you want to allow the user to use single character options, you need
 to add a `single-char' clause to the option description."
-  (with-fluids ((%program-name (car program-arguments)))
-    (let* ((specifications (map parse-option-spec option-desc-list))
-           (pair (split-arg-list (cdr program-arguments)))
-           (split-ls (car pair))
-           (non-split-ls (cdr pair))
-           (found/etc (process-options specifications split-ls
-                                       stop-at-first-non-option))
-           (found (car found/etc))
-           (rest-ls (append (cdr found/etc) non-split-ls)))
-      (for-each (lambda (spec)
-                  (let ((name (option-spec->name spec))
-                        (val (assq-ref found spec)))
-                    (and (option-spec->required? spec)
-                         (or val
-                             (fatal-error "option must be specified: --~a"
-                                          name)))
-                    (let ((pred (option-spec->predicate spec)))
-                      (and pred (pred name val)))))
-                specifications)
-      (for-each (lambda (spec+val)
-                  (set-car! spec+val
-                            (string->symbol (option-spec->name (car 
-                found)
-      (cons (cons '() rest-ls) found))))
+  (parameterize ((program-name (car program-arguments)))
+    (let* ((specs (map parse-option-spec option-desc-list))
+           (options (extract-options
+                      (normalize (cdr program-arguments)
+                                 specs
+                                 stop-at-first-non-option)
+                      stop-at-first-non-option)))
+      (check-compliance options specs)
+      options)))
 (define (option-ref options key default)
-  "Return value in alist OPTIONS using KEY, a symbol; or DEFAULT if not found.
-The value is either a string or `#t'."
+  "Return value in OPTIONS (as returned from getopt-long), using KEY--
+a symbol--, or DEFAULT if not found.  The value is either a string or
+‘#t’, or whatever DEFAULT is."
   (or (assq-ref options key) default))
 ;;; getopt-long.scm ends here

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