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bug#39800: gnutls guile bug receiving https data

From: address@hidden
Subject: bug#39800: gnutls guile bug receiving https data
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 16:20:09 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.5.0

I installed gnutls for guile and checked the gnutls module with this simple code:

;;Guile version 3.0 and gnutls  from git

,show version
GNU Guile

$6 = "3.6.12"

;;Now, submitting this simple https request, you get an exception
(http-request "https://www.google.com";)
ice-9/boot-9.scm:1669:16: In procedure raise-exception:
Throw to key `gnutls-error' with args `(#<gnutls-error-enum La connessione TLS non è stata terminata in modo corretto.> read_from_session_record_port)'.

;;instead, without https there are no errors
(http-request "http://www.google.com";) ;;works fine.

The error happens only on https://www.google.com and does not throw with a lot of other https web sites. Furthermore the error is not throw if the method is HEAD, so it is related to the data part of the https answer. I tried to enter in the internal implementation of the http web client but after some tests I decided to do some simple tests at application level. I rewrote the get-bytevector-all, with a loop that reads one byte per time and the error was thrown anyway. I catched the error and I've got the complete answer from the google web server. In the following there is my applicative solution, where I rewrote the get-bytevector-all by adding the error checking and specifiyng to http-request that the data has to be returned as a port (#:streaming? #t).

;;A macro to catch errors
(define-syntax my-noerr
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ __error-return exp ...)
         ((__st #f))
       (catch #t
         (lambda() exp ...)
         (lambda (k . p) __error-return))))))

;;The rewriting of get-bytevector-all
(defun get-bytevector-all (port)
  (u8-list->bytevector (let loop ((port port))
     (let ((v (my-noerr (eof-object) (get-u8 port))))
       (if (eof-object? v)
       (cons v (loop port)))))))

;;the piece of code that now gives the correct result
  (let-values (((a b)(http-request "https://www.google.com"; #:streaming? #t)))
    (bytevector->string (get-bytevector-all b) "ISO-8859-1"))

As conclusion I can say that web modules read correctly the http answers and, with some (one for me, the google web site) https sites there is a misinterpretation of EOF in the layer between http and https.


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