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Wrong hessian order in amplgsl_hypot3

From: 曾泓泰
Subject: Wrong hessian order in amplgsl_hypot3
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:47:48 +0800 (GMT+08:00)

Hello! I use the following code to build a model via pyomo and check hessian 
via IPOPT.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import pyomo.core.base.external as external
import pyomo.common.gsl as gsl

dll = gsl.find_GSL()
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.test_indices = pyo.RangeSet(0, 2)
x0 = [-0.2, 0.3, 0.1]
model.x = pyo.Var(model.test_indices, domain=pyo.Reals, initialize=lambda m, i: 
model.gsl_hypot3 = external.ExternalFunction(library=dll, function="gsl_hypot3")
model.cons = pyo.Constraint(rule=lambda m: (m.gsl_hypot3(m.x[0], m.x[1], 
m.x[2]) <= 100))
model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=lambda m: m.x[0] + m.x[1], m.x[2], 
optimizer = pyo.SolverFactory("ipopt")
results = optimizer.solve(model, tee=True)

Then, IPOPT will report warnings like:

Starting derivative checker for second derivatives with obj_factor or lambda[i] 
set to 1.5.

\* 1-th constr_hess[ 1, 3] = 1.2351616171153007e-01 v ~ -5.4190095373535634e-02 
[ 3.279e+00]
\* 1-th constr_hess[ 2, 2] = -5.4190094682647579e-02 v ~ 1.2351616144287625e-01 
[ 1.439e+00]
\* 1-th constr_hess[ 3, 1] = 1.2351616171153007e-01 v ~ -5.4190087606698210e-02 
[ 3.279e+00]
After checking the source code of amplgsl_hypot3 function in amplgsl.cc, I 
found that the original hessian order is incorrect, which does not accord with 
the instruction in funcadd.h: In this case, the function should set al->hes[i + 
j*(j+1)/2] to the partial derivative of the function with respect to al->ra[i] 
and al->ra[j] for all 0 <= i <= j < al->nr. In amplgsl_hypot3, the terms in 
hes[2] and hes[3] should be swaped. I also submit new code at 
https://github.com/ampl/gsl/issues/76. May the code be merged?

I'm currently using GSL 2.7 on Windows 10 and obtain it from github. AMPL GSL 
is compiled with VS 2022 and default options. The code I use for testing 
hessian is writen in Python 3.8, Pyomo 6.6.2, IPOPT 3.14.12. Could you review 
the submission and fix the mistake in the Hessian order of amplgsl_hypot3? 

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