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[Bug-gsl] a few points in the reference manual

From: Daisuke TOMINAGA
Subject: [Bug-gsl] a few points in the reference manual
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 20:10:41 +0900


I found several ambiguous, or possibly miss-typed points in the reference manual (on cvs) while I've been updating the Japanese translated version. Please check a list below.

Among that, I also found that the C-keyword "const" is lack in many function definitions in the manual. It might not cause any compilation error even if readers could not know which arguments are declared as const, it should be better that it is shown correctly for programming security and code reuse. I checked the source codes only for functions in chapter 19 and 20. Those are listed below.

And I added several plots to the translated manual. I'll upload these EPS files to my site (below) under GFDL 1.2 because these are for the GSL reference manual version 1.11.

best regards,

Daisuke TOMINAGA, Ph. D.
Computational Biology Research Center, AIST
2-42 Aomi, Koto, Tokyo 135-0064, Japan

P. S.
The Japanese translation now caught up to v1.11. I know it's not the recent version. I'll reflect differences v1.11 and cvs in next few weeks.

The list
name of the last argument of the function is different between the definition and the description (jl_x_array / result_array)

Mill's ratio -> Mills ratio/Mills' ratio

7.16.2 gsl_sf_exprel_n
_ is lack in the name of the function in the description

7.17.3 hyperbolic integrals
cosh[t] -> cosh(t)

7.17.4 Ei_3 → $\mathrm{Ei}_3$

The header file is mentioned twice.

7.19.1 lngamma_sign_e
exp(resultlg) -> exp(resultlg->val)

7.19.1 Temme
'suggestion of Temme' ->it might be better to show the reference.
(Nico M. Temme, Special Functions: An Introduction to the Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics, WileyBlackwell, ISBN 978-0471113133, 1996?)

7.19.3 gsl_sf_lnpoch_sign_e
result=log(|(a)_x|)  ->  result->val = log(|(a)_x|)

7.21 gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1_conj
aR - iaI -> R and I should be suffix
"exceptions:" at the end of the description should be followed by something or be eliminated.

7.31.2 gsl_sf_complex_cos_e, gsl_sf_complex_logsin_e
szr, szi in the description -> czr, czi / lszr, lszi

7.34 ref.
The name of the author "Allan J. MacLeod" should be added for MISCFUN.

9.6 gsl_permutation_mul
"pb" in the description should be slanted.

"result" in the description should be replaced by "[cz]dot[uc]$.

13.7 gsl_linalg_hermtd_unpack
matrix "U" -> "Q"

z^*_{N-k}: N -> n

Mueller -> Muller

Marsaglia (1963), random numbers -> random variables

C. S. David -> C. S. Davis

19.39 Random walk figure
three 10-step runs -> it seems there are 40 or more points in the figure.
axis labels 'p(k)' and 'k' should be deleted.

the first reference book is now available online as PDF files. It should be better to show the URL below.

20.7 gsl_stat_w{skew,kurtosis}
xbar -> \bar{x}, sigma -> \sigma

five interpolation types -> six types

should gsl_interp_accel_reset (gsl_interp_accel * a) be added?

28.4 gsl_cheb_eval_n
given point n -> x

30.3.2 gsl_wavelet2d_transform
L. 2: "standard and non-standard forms" might be "standard form".

31.2 gsl_dht_init
given values of nu and x -> xmax

32.4 gsl_function_fdf
void (*fdf)(double x, ... , double * df)
font style differs between two letters of the last argument "df".

32.9 gsl_root_fdfsolver_steffenson
steffenson -> steffensen

35.10 ref
Nelder, Mead, pp. 308-315 -> 308-313

39.3 Rydberg constant
R_\infty might be better than R in "R by Ry = hcR".

39.18 ref
new CODATA ref. available -> Peter J. Mohr, Barry N. Taylor, David B. Newell, ``CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2006'', \textit{Reviews of Modern Physics}, \textbf{80}(2), pp. 633--730 (2008).

Apx. D.4 examples
the (3,2) element of the 2nd matrix in the left,
(1011 1012)
(1021 1022)
(1031 1031) -> (1031 1032)

argument type miss match

19.2 19.3, 19.5, 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, 19.9, 19.10, 19.11, 19.12, 19.13, 19.14, 19.16, 19.17, 19.18, 19.19, 19.20, 19.21, 19.24, 19.25, 19.26, 19.35, 19.37
all arguments of all functions are const

all arguments of gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian_pdf are const

all arguments of gsl_ran_flat_pdf except the first 'x' are const

all arguments of gsl_ran_pareto except the 2nd 'a' are const

the 2nd argument of gsl_ran_dirichlet 'K' is const
the first arguments of gsl_ran_dirichlet_pdf and lnpdf, 'K', is const

all arguments of gsl_ran_poisson except the 2nd 'mu' are const

the first argument of gsl_ran_bernoulli_pdf is const

all arguments of all functions except gsl_ran_binomial are const

all arguments of gsl_ran_multiomial except the last are const

the first 2 arguments of gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_pdf are const
all arguments of gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_[PQ] are const

all arguments except last 2 of gsl_ran_pascal the last of gsl_ran_pascal_pdf are const

all arguments of gsl_ran_hypergeometric_pdf except the last are const
all arguments of gsl_ran_hypergeometric_[PQ] are const

20.1 20.2 20.3 20.7 20.9
all arguments of all functions are const

all arguments of all functions except type 'size_t *' and 'double *' are const


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