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Re: how to resize and repositioned the GRUB menu triangle ?

From: adrian15
Subject: Re: how to resize and repositioned the GRUB menu triangle ?
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 20:46:13 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070102)

J.Bakshi escribió:
I am talking about the menu displayed by menu.lst How can I resize
and repositioned that menu ?
Ah, it's not a triangle but a rectangle.

You should edit source code for doing this. If you are prepared to
edit source code I might give you some clues on how to do that.
please suggest how to do it ?
Check stage2/stage2.c file.
Check the:

static void
run_menu (char *menu_entries, char *config_entries, int num_entries,
      char *heap, int entryno)

function and its line:

      print_entries (3, 12, first_entry,
                 entryno, menu_entries);

I think that changing 12 to 5 will force even if you have 20 boot
entries only 5 are displayed.

If you change the 3 for some other value you can move up/down the menu
I think also.

Hacking the print_entries function will also help.


Hello Andrian,
Thanks for your response. I think you have given a solution to force how
many entries will be shown in the menu.
Maybe. I will check it again then.
But I am also interested to resize the menu so that I can see the splash
image properly.
"viewport" command can do it. But i don't know why it is not there in 0.97.
0.97 does not include splashimage support thus it does not include the viewport command which I presume is a splashimage support patch command.
Do you have any idea ?
Get 0.97 and patch it with the splashimage support patch and then you will be able to use the viewport command (if my assumption is correct).


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