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[bug #63018] [PATCH] make glyphs in ZD font accessible via their Unicode

From: Deri James
Subject: [bug #63018] [PATCH] make glyphs in ZD font accessible via their Unicode spellings
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 10:22:47 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #26, bug #63018 (group groff):

I have been investigating the AFMs contained in the tar files Branden
referenced in comment #15. Using the 229 versions it is possible to generate
the 35 fonts for grops. The only difference is that our fonts include kerning
data for the ellipsis font which is not included in the AFMs, because commit
81b4ffadc1ced modified the files via a shell script to duplicate the full stop
kerning information to ellipsis.

I have only tested the TR and TI fonts and I used the following afmtodit

./afmtodit -c -i0 -m -e ../font/devps/text.enc
Adobe-Core35_AFMs-229/Times-Roman.afm font/devpdf/map/text.map DJTR

./afmtodit -c -i50 -a7 -e ../font/devps/text.enc
Adobe-Core35_AFMs-229/Times-Italic.afm font/devpdf/map/text.map DJTI

For italic fonts you need to ensure that the "slant" value (-a) matches the
value used previously, (in case of Times-Italic the AFM has an Italic Angle of
15.5, but the groff font was clearly produced with a slant of 7, i.e. it was
overridden with the -a flag). I don't know why this was done, it is the only
one with such an override:-

ABI:slant 10.5  ITCAvantGarde-BookOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -10.5
AI:slant 10.5   ITCAvantGarde-DemiOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -10.5
BMBI:slant 10   ITCBookman-DemiItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -10
BMI:slant 10    ITCBookman-LightItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -10
CBI:slant 11    Courier-BoldOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -11
CI:slant 11     Courier-Oblique.afm:ItalicAngle -11
HBI:slant 12    Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -12
HI:slant 12     Helvetica-Oblique.afm:ItalicAngle -12
HNBI:slant 12   Helvetica-NarrowBoldOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -12
HNI:slant 12    Helvetica-NarrowOblique.afm:ItalicAngle -12
NBI:slant 16    NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -16
NI:slant 16     NewCenturySchlbk-Italic.afm:ItalicAngle -16
PBI:slant 10    Palatino-BoldItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -10
PI:slant 10     Palatino-Italic.afm:ItalicAngle -10
SS:slant 15.5   (S font with 15.5 degree transformation)
TBI:slant 15    Times-BoldItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -15
TI:slant 7      Times-Italic.afm:ItalicAngle -15.5
ZCMI:slant 14   ITCZapfChancery-MediumItalic.afm:ItalicAngle -14

Maybe some people on the list may know.

It is a good thing Branden found the AFMs since the conversion from afm to a
groff font is not completely reversible.


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