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Re: [bug #65451] [PATCH] Remove redundant tests

From: Dave Kemper
Subject: Re: [bug #65451] [PATCH] Remove redundant tests
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:29:05 -0500

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 7:18 PM Alejandro Colomar <alx@kernel.org> wrote:
> -  Does the mailing list have any way to follow threads without cutting
>    them at month boundary?  glibc (and other GNU projects, like GCC)
>    started using recently public-inbox, which has a nicer interface,
>    IMO.  Maybe groff could also use it.

This isn't a function of the mailing list itself, but of the software
that archives it.  (That is, if you're subscribed to the list, you can
organize list emails however you like in your mailbox without
arbitrary breaks at month boundaries.)

I agree the way the archival software works is less than ideal.  It's
not limited to the groff lists: it affects the thousands of lists
archived at http://lists.gnu.org/r/, which amounts to hundreds of
thousands of URLs that already have month-year baked into them and
would have to continue to work under any new archival process (since
they're so often cited).

This isn't something I care enough about to try to change.  But I'll
second you in any lobbying effort you want to make. :)  The archiver
is run by GNU folks, and if other GNU lists have already switched to a
better one, there seems a decent chance you could convince them to
switch the groff lists.

> -  Does the bug tracker have a way to interact with it via mail?

It does not.  This was requested years ago
(http://savannah.nongnu.org/support/index.php?106712) but the request
was closed without explanation.  I posted a query there asking about
this.  You could open a new request in the "Savannah trackers - bugs,
tasks, etc." category.  My guess is they don't have the development
bandwidth to take on such an extensive change.

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