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[bug #64772] [hdtbl] consider deprecating

From: Bjarni Ingi Gislason
Subject: [bug #64772] [hdtbl] consider deprecating
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 04:38:04 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #9, bug #64772 (project groff):

  I will have a shot at this.  The current difference between my branch
and that of master is in the attachments.

  Most of it is an addition to the bugs #54538, #54539,
#55007, #55027, #55044, and #55732.

  What remains to do is using the examples as test files,
copying manually previous PS files to "*.prev" and comparing the
future new ones with them.

  The difference should only be with comments in the PS files, like




(file #55296, file #55297)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: hdtbl.examples.diff            Size:16 KB

File name: hdtbl.tmac.diff                Size:8 KB


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