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[bug #62916] [hdtbl] consider deprecating

From: Dave
Subject: [bug #62916] [hdtbl] consider deprecating
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:49:30 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #62916 (project groff):

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> Narrowing scope to the thing specifically contemplated.

The intended purpose of this ticket was the "make an official list [of things
to deprecate]" task, as referenced in the [comment #0 original submission].

I agree that deprecating hdtbl warrants its own ticket, but distributing a
list of things under consideration for deprecation also seems to warrant an
action item of some sort.  Just in this bug tracker, besides hdtbl there are
deprecation proposals in at least bug #63142, bug #64337, bug #64353, and the
aforementioned bug #59425.

While I was in favor of killing off groffer, and it was done with list
unanimity (http://lists.gnu.org/r/groff/2020-04/msg00051.html), there was
little forewarning to users who don't keep up with groff development--there
was no groff release that included it but warned that it was deprecated--and
there have been a couple postmortem lamentations (e.g.,

So it would be helpful to users who don't follow groff development to have
more of a heads-up that things might disappear in the future.  Probably anyone
who cares about changes to grout follows our email list, but I feel
deprecating things end users might use warrants some prepublicity.


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