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Re: groff bug - eqn

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: groff bug - eqn
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:20:03 +0200 (CEST)

> I suspect that I might be using the command line incorrectly.  I am
> using groff -ms example.txt > example.ps.  I get no error messages
> with this command.

You have to add `-e' to the command line to make groff call eqn:

  groff -ms -e example.txt > example.ps

> I have tried every permutation of the command that I can think of,
> all without success. This has included the extension -e in various
> positions in the command.

Hmm.  There is a script called grog which guesses how to call groff
for a document:

  $ grog example.txt
  groff -e -ms example.txt

It then prints the calling sequence.  It's not completely reliable but
in most cases it works.

If you add the `-V' switch to groff it shows the pipeline of groff

  $ groff -V -ms -e example.txt
  eqn -Tps example.txt | troff -ms -Tps | grops

Which you could use as an alternative to see the various stages.

Finally, you might add the flag `-ww' to groff to see all warnings it
emits for your document.

> I have used troff successfully under unix on a SUN and more recently
> groff under Linux on a PC.  I am new to the MAC.

There have been reports that eqn doesn't work correctly on the MAC if
incorrectly compiled.  Please check the mailing list archives for more


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