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bug-g++,�1 gets you �1,400 to start

From: Travis Lam
Subject: bug-g++,£1 gets you £1,400 to start
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 11:25:15 +0100

Hi just read this and you will see how easy it is to make money legally.

This is how it works.

(1) I will send you an email payment of £3 

for you to collect this payment you need to click on accept and the company will let you open an account,  to open an account you will need to open it with a minimum of £1, when you open an account the company credit you ten pounds as a reward for opening a new account.

Your account now shows that you have £1 you paid in, plus the three pounds I sent you, plus the ten pounds reward for opening the account = £14.00  "you follow"

Now because I introduced you and you opened an account my account will also be credited with ten pounds. I like that bit!

You Can Not Lose and in the bargain you make a profit, how easy is that.

How many friends do you have !!!!

If you follow the above then read on because this is where you start to make Serious money.

Your first ten friends that open an account with you will receive ten pounds, those ten friends introduce ten friends each = 100 friends which you receive £3 those 100 then introduce ten friends = 1000 which you receive £1 = £1000  

So for just introducing ten friends at the beginning you have now received £10 for each of them, less the three pounds you sent them to get them to open an account = £70

Your ten friends you introduced, introduce just ten friends each = 100 friends which you will receive £3 for each of these = £300

Those 100 people introduce just ten friends each = 1000 friends which you receive £1 = £1000

Your total for just ten friends at the beginning now is £1,370 without any hard work

Once your friend goes over ten she is the in the position to collect as a number one, the same as you were.

If you are not sure let me put it this way the most you could lose is £1 

Yours Maggie

CLICK HERE to get started or for more information


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