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LazyTraders; 2 stocks up 100% and 200% today

From: Frank
Subject: LazyTraders; 2 stocks up 100% and 200% today
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 15:59:00 -0600


Today 2 stocks went up 100 and 200%.

ELANW went up 200% and NOGWF went up 100%.

Every day some stocks go up that much.

If you are a Lazy DayTrader you learn how to find these, ALL of them, in 1
second at any time between 7.45 AM and 8 PM EST.

You'll also learn the exact second you should buy them and the exact
second you should sell them.(When the buyers disappear.)

You're also able to buy them in one second and to sell them in one second.

You can do this at a cost of $1 per 100 shares.

After you become a Lazy DayTrader you can join Michael's Chatroom for a
low monthly fee.

Michael is a Lazy DayTrader who made $360,000 in 3 weeks starting with
only $10,000.

Michael's Chatroom has made over 1300% since July 9, 2001.

So even if you have only a few hours to spare between 7.45 AM and 8 PM EST
and have as little as $500 to work with it might pay you to become a Lazy

You can become one at:


You'll have unlimited support.

Have a nice day.

Frank vanderlugt



*1300% profit is the maximum you could have made since July 9 if
would have bought Michael's Stockpicks when he called them and you would
sold at the high for the day. To be able to sell at the high for the day 
consistently is not realistic.
The risk factor is high in stock trading and  only "Risk Capital" or
Funds" should be used in such trading. A person who does not have extra
Capital, or Risk Funds, that they can afford to lose, should not trade in
market. No "SAFE" trading system has ever been devised, and no one
including us 
can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. We are not brokers or stock 

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