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bug#38358: Subject prefix, true recipient...

From: Ian Kelling
Subject: bug#38358: Subject prefix, true recipient...
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 13:53:51 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 27.0.50

Narcis Garcia via GNUzilla bug reports <address@hidden> writes:

> El 25/11/19 a les 18:36, Mark H Weaver ha escrit:
>> Hi Narcis,
>> Narcis Garcia <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> El 24/11/19 a les 19:05, Jason Self ha escrit:
>>>> Mailman does add theList-id header, indicating
>>>> List-id: GNUzilla bug reports <bug-gnuzilla.gnu.org>
>>>> Which should make it possible for your mail program to do whatever one
>>>> wants with such messages.
>>> I've tried by headers already, and it seems not possible with, for
>>> example, Mozilla Thunderbird (custom header does not work in a filter rule).
>> Are you certain of this?  I did a web search found a description of how
>> to filter on custom headers for mail accounts in Thunderbird.  I tried
>> it on a friend's instance of Thunderbird.  These are the steps I
>> followed:
>> * From the app menu I chose the "Message Filters" menu item, which
>>   summoned the Message Filters window.
>> * I clicked the "New..." button, which summoned the Filter Rules window.
>> * I clicked the popup menu of headers to filter on, and down at the
>>   bottom of the list I see "Customize...".  Choosing it summons the
>>   Customize Headers window.  I typed "List-id" in the text box and
>>   clicked "Add", and then "OK" to dismiss the Customize Headers window.
>> * "List-id" is now an item within the popup menu of headers to filter
>>   on.
>> Does this work for you?
> No, it doesn't.
> Even worse: replies like yours (not arriving me through list mailer
> because of CC recipient) are impossible to filter with any distinction
> about gnuzilla.
> List administrators did become crazy to attend DKIM requirements. If
> DMARC and SPF is used, DKIM doesn't enhance mail at all and list mailers
> can edit subjects and put footers.

Not breaking dkim is the only way we can forward your message and comply
with a strict dmarc policy, well unless you put the gnu lists mail
server into your spf policy. If you use dmarc without dkim (and dont put
us in your spf policy), I consider your server to be misconfigured.

Ian Kelling | Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: B125 F60B 7B28 7FF6 A2B7  DF8F 170A F0E2 9542 95DF
https://fsf.org | https://gnu.org

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