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Re: GNU IceCat 3.0.1-g1

From: Giuseppe Scrivano
Subject: Re: GNU IceCat 3.0.1-g1
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 14:57:24 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Miguel wrote:
I have a suggestion to the Icecat team: create an "official" blog.
It's a really good way to make the project reach more people and it
can work as (not like) a PR department. Who knows if it attracts more

At the moment we don't have many contributors to have this other task.
If you are interested you can create a blog or any dynamic web site that can be a central point for the GNUzilla community. I will glad to help you and contribute there too but personally I would like to concentrate more on developing now, GNUzilla or any other free software projects.


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