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Re: Bug in NSAffineTransform

From: tima
Subject: Re: Bug in NSAffineTransform
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 22:40:29 -0800
User-agent: Mail/News 1.5 (X11/20060219)

Adam Fedor wrote:

>> I prefer the old version though:
>> - (void) translateXBy: (float)tranX  yBy: (float)tranY
>> {
>>   TX += tranX;
>>   TY += tranY;
>> }
>> it's clearer and faster.

> But incorrect. Remember we are translating a coordinate system, not a
> point.

Yes, there is no bug in the current gnustep-gui. Please accept my
apology for the noise.

Is there any method that translate points in the original coordinates,
i.e. has an effect of
  TX += tranX, TY += tranY ?


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