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[bugs #11624] GDL2 errors on deleted columns in PostgreSQL tables

From: David Ayers
Subject: [bugs #11624] GDL2 errors on deleted columns in PostgreSQL tables
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:20:01 +0000
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This is an automated notification sent by Savannah.
It relates to:
                bugs #11624, project GNUstep


               Posted by: David Ayers <ayers>
               Posted on: 2005-01-18 10:20 (Europe/Vienna)

                  Status:                    None -> Need Info              
             Assigned to:                    None -> ayers                  


Follow-up Comment:
Thanks for the patch!  I'm a bit reluctant to commit it as it is.  Have you
checked whether there is some more deterministic way to figure out if a
column has been droped?   I have a hard time to imagine that PostgreSQL uses
this kind of ILIKE comparison on the attribute name to identify droped
columns internally.  But if it turns out to be that way, I'll commit it.

As to why the adaptor is still called Postgres95, well simply put, other
things have simply been higher on my TODO and currently RL is keeping me
pretty tied up.  If someone would like to rework the code to a new
PostrgreSQL Adaptor and rework the internal code, I'd be gratefull.  (I've
started a few times but never reached anything worthwhile to commit.)  But
please insure that the adaptor will work with versions 7.4.(latest) and

 OVERVIEW of bugs #11624:


                 Summary: GDL2 errors on deleted columns in PostgreSQL tables
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: comrade
            Submitted on: Mon 01/17/2005 at 18:58
                Category: gdl2
                Severity: 5 - Average
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: Need Info
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: ayers
             Open/Closed: Open


When connecting to a PostgreSQL database which contains tables  with deleted
columns, an exception is raised due to illegal characters in the placeholders
for the deleted columns.

The Postgres95 (why is it called this?) adaptor should ignore these
placeholder columns.

A simple patch to Postgres95Channel.m is attached. The patch is cautious and
uses the ILIKE operator, rather than the LIKE operator to avoid
capitalisation issues depending on encoding and capitalisation rules. There
may be a small performance hit, but it should be safer.


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Tue 01/18/2005 at 10:20       By: David Ayers <ayers>
Thanks for the patch!  I'm a bit reluctant to commit it as it is.  Have you
checked whether there is some more deterministic way to figure out if a
column has been droped?   I have a hard time to imagine that PostgreSQL uses
this kind of ILIKE comparison on the attribute name to identify droped
columns internally.  But if it turns out to be that way, I'll commit it.

As to why the adaptor is still called Postgres95, well simply put, other
things have simply been higher on my TODO and currently RL is keeping me
pretty tied up.  If someone would like to rework the code to a new
PostrgreSQL Adaptor and rework the internal code, I'd be gratefull.  (I've
started a few times but never reached anything worthwhile to commit.)  But
please insure that the adaptor will work with versions 7.4.(latest) and


File Attachments:

Date: Mon 01/17/2005 at 18:58  Name: ignore-deleted-columns.diff  Size: 883B 
 By: comrade
Patch for PostgreSQL adaptor to ignore deleted columns


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