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[RFA/webpaages] (minor) Update for GNUstep libraries

From: David Ayers
Subject: [RFA/webpaages] (minor) Update for GNUstep libraries
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 18:21:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507


After a hint from Fabien Vallon, I decided to hack up a little patch that removes a potential confusion, that GCC (or GDB) could be interpreted as a GNUstep library, references GDL2 and GSWeb and mentions the upcomming support for ObjC in GDB 6.0

OK to commit?


PS: Is there a 'maintainer' for the Webpages?

? webpages.update
Index: developers/suite.html
RCS file: /webcvs/software/gnustep/developers/suite.html,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 suite.html
--- developers/suite.html       14 Jul 2003 22:38:50 -0000      1.13
+++ developers/suite.html       27 Aug 2003 16:02:17 -0000
@@ -24,17 +24,6 @@
 architectures, and multiple OpenStep implementations designed in the
 framework from the start (at least we hope it will be that way).</p>
-<h3>GNU Objective-C Compiler (gcc)</h3>
-<p>To be able to produce the desired applications one has to make
-executable binaries out of the code. The GNU C compiler has supported
-Objective-C for a long time now, and it has been ported to almost
-every operating system.</p>
-<h3>GNU Debugger (gdb)</h3>
-<p>With special patches for debugging Objective-C code.</p>
 <h3>GNUstep Makefile Package 
 (<a href="../resources/documentation/make_toc.html">gnustep-make</a>)</h3>
@@ -72,14 +61,37 @@
 to emulate common PostScript functions.</p>
+<h2>Developer Tools</h2>
+<h3>GNU Objective-C Compiler (gcc)</h3>
+<p>To be able to produce the desired applications one has to make
+executable binaries out of the code. The GNU C compiler has supported
+Objective-C for a long time now, and it has been ported to almost
+every operating system.</p>
+<h3>GNU Debugger (gdb)</h3>
+<p>With special patches for debugging Objective-C code.</p>
 <h2>Auxiliary (Beyond The Core)</h2>
+<h3>GNUstep Database Library Version 2 (gdl2)</h3>
+<h3>GNUstep Web Applications Framework (
+<a href="http://www.gnustepweb.org";>gsweb</a>)</h3>
 <h3>The GNU 3DKit (
 <a href="http://www.fsf.org/software/gnu3dkit/gnu3dkit.html";>g3dkit</a>)</h3>
 <p>The GNU 3DKit is aimed to provide an object oriented scene graph
 architecture tightly integrated with GNUstep.</p>
+<h2>Older Projects</h2>
 <h3>Foundation Extensions Library (extensions)</h3>
@@ -123,11 +135,10 @@
 management. From here you should be able to search, edit, debug and
 design your classes with a variety of tools.</p>
-<h3><a href="../experience/Gorm.html">InterfaceModeller</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="../experience/Gorm.html">GORM</a></h3>
-<p>To be correct one should call this an ObjectModeller because such an
-InterfaceModeller will let you build a graph of objects by
-connecting their interfaces (which mostly are user interface
+<p>The Graphical Object Relationship Modeller" lets you build a graph
+of objects by connecting their interfaces (which mostly are user interface
 classes). The instance variables of these objects can be assigned to
 references or target/action before they get archived into a file.  At
 least this is what NeXTs InterfaceBuilder is doing and what we are
@@ -136,11 +147,7 @@
-<p>Since writing applications...even under OpenStep...is always troubled;
-to find and fix the errors one has made, we need a debugging tool.
-The GNU gdb is not as easy to port as the
-compiler (because it has to deal with more hardware/OS internals) but
-should be available for most platform anyways.</p>
+<p>The upcomming GDB 6.0 will feature debugging of Objective-C code.</p>
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