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[Bug-gnukart] Syntax error in data section

From: Alam Zeb
Subject: [Bug-gnukart] Syntax error in data section
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 17:03:45 -0600

I am getting error message ( syntax error in data section). tried a lot but could not get it.
can some body tell me about the error…………..Thanks in advance

set V;
/* set of inputs used in the model*/
set S;
/*Seasons */
param X{c in C};
/*Land allocated to each crop*/
param Land;
/*total household agriculture land*/
param CL;
/*per household forest clearing*/
param PI{v in V};
/*price of inputs (labor, fertilizer, pesticides and seed) per ha*/
param PO{c in C};
/*Price of output(wheat, sorghum, onion, potato and rice) per ha*/
param QI{v in V,c in C};
/*Quantities of input used per ha*/
param QO{c in C};
/*Quantities of output produced per ha*/
set C := wh sor oni pot ric;
set V:= L fert pest seed;
param QO:=
wh 300
sor 400
oni 300
pot 200
ric 200;
param PO:=
wh 50
sor 40
oni 30
pot 20
ric 20;
param QI: L fert pest seed:=
wh 12 22 13 14
sor 13 12 12 12
oni 54 23 32 12
pot 43 32 34 21
ric 32 34 56 21;
param PI:=
L 100
fert 57
pest 40
seed 30;
var y: sum{c in C} PO[c]*QO[c] – sum{v in V,c in C}PI[v]*QI[v,c],>=0;
s.t. c1: sum{c in C} X <= Land;
s.t. c2: land + CL <=landt;
display y;

Alam Zeb,
PhD Scholar Department Of Renewable Resources,
Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences (www.ales.ulaberta.ca)
University Of Alberta, Canada (www.ualberta.ca).
Cell # 587 778 4373

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