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Re: Problems with GC31 build

From: Simon Sobisch
Subject: Re: Problems with GC31 build
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2019 18:29:51 +0100
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Hi Carl and welcome to GnuCOBOL!

Am 29.12.2019 um 05:08 schrieb Carl D. Goldin:
> In building GC31, I encountered the errors shown in the attached
> "errors.txt". I am also attaching the corresponding "testsuite.log".
> 1) Are these three errors due to something I did wrong, or to bugs in
> the compiler?

For reference - those are the failint tests:
   7: used_binaries.at:188 Temporary path invalid
  11: used_binaries.at:302 cobcrun help and information
 923: run_extensions.at:2101 ASSIGN with COB_FILE_PATH

The first (7) is a false-positive (an extra output of the C library),
which came up before, we may get around this by adjusting the testsuite
[by placing GnuCOBOLs errors in an error file and check this instead of
stderr and ignore "normal" stderr].

The second (11) is also a false-positive (which is new since we added
mouse support) - PDCurses cannot be initialized if it is redirected
(which is true for the testsuite). Initialization is "tried" to query
information about mouse support available. Older versions directly exit
with "8", newer versions directly exit with "1".

The false-positive here actually highlights a big issue which should be
fixed in any case as initscr is documented (at least for ncurses and
PDcurses) to possibly exit the complete program (and you don't want that
in background tasks), it is not an issue for only the testsuite!

The third (923) is also a false-positive which may be worked around with
different options [either in the testsuite replacing all "\" by "/" or b
"harmonizing" the path in libcob already].

In general: the resulting GnuCOBOL binary is fine to use (just don't use
it in background processes and include extended screen i/o).

> 2) I'm showing 33 "testsuite.logs" in my MingGW folder. Can I safely
> delete all but the last one?

tests/testsuite.log has combined test results from the last invocation
of the testsuite and shows the content of the "environment" it is run on.

Under tests/testsuite.dir you have one folder for each test (normally
auto-deleted for every non-failing test) and the results for these
single tests are included there, for example:
You can delete the complete folder tests/testsuite.dir if you want to.

> Thank you.

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