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[Bug-gnubg] The website.

From: Øystein Schønning-Johansen
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] The website.
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2013 21:18:10 +0100

Hi all!

As some of you have notice the web site was hacked this week. It looks like it some kind of automatic attack. Due to this I decided to take the site temporary down, in hope to be able to fix the weaknesses later and/or redesign the the whole site.

The week has gone I realize I don't have time and motivation to do this. It's to much to do with my family and I also have a lot of things to do at work. I also have less motivation now, than what I had some years ago.

So, I then make the open question: Can someone else take responsibility for the website? Does anyone else have the motivation to piff it up?

After asking this I can also send out a few ideas. First of all I don't think the blog idea works. I was hoping it could be a living web site with several blog items getting in weekly, and the blog tools where installed to keep track of the assumed changing content. However, I realize that a wrong assumption back when I designed this. I now rather believe that more than 90% of the web sites visitors are looking for the download link. The content isn't changing much at all. If someone decides to redesign the site, keep that in mind.

If nobody else reading this is able to patch or redesign the site, we could also hire a professorial. (I'm willing to pay from my own pocket.)

I hope this post can start off a little discussion on what to do with the site, maybe some of you at least have some ideas.


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