On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 8:58 AM, Sergey Kaluzhskiy
<address@hidden> wrote:
We have Russian cellphone-enabled backgammon game server (jag.mobileap.ru) and want to implement the ablility to export our match logs to .mat file for further analysis in GNU backammon. I googled some time but can't find the description of this format. Could you please help me and say URL where I can find .mat file documentation?
I'm afraid the format of .mat is a bit unspecified. It is a pure ASCII text based format that was "invented" in JellyFish. I'm really don't think there is a good set of parsing and writing rules for these files. The different backgammon software packages handles these files in their own way, making them very incompatible to each other, and usually have some bugs. Maybe you can take a look at the code in GNU Backgammon? I can't believe it's hard to write a .mat file generator that produces files that GNU Backgammon can read.