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[Bug-gnubg] Batch analysis script

From: Jon Kinsey
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Batch analysis script
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:11:28 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031205 Thunderbird/0.4

I've been playing around with Python and have written a script to import and analyze several files from a directory.

Probably best to run with a command line gnubg, use either
        load python "batch.py"
or the -p"batch.py" command line argument.


1) mat, pos, Games grid, True money game and Snowie text types supported - identified by file extension.
2) Last used directory is saved.
3) Only files not already analysed will be analysed.
4) Not tested it much, so probably contains bugs :)


import os

# file extensions, names and gnubg import commands
extensions = ['mat', 'pos', 'sgg', 'tmg', 'txt']
extTypes = ['.mat', '.pos', 'Games grid', 'True money game', 'Snowie text']
extCmds = ['mat', 'pos', 'sgg', 'tmg', 'snowietxt']

LAST_VALUES = "batch.dirs"

def CheckFiles(files, dir, destDir):
    "Check files aren't already analyzed"
    fileList = [[], [], [], [], []]
    foundFile = False

    for eType in extTypes:
        numType = extTypes.index(eType)
        for file in files[numType]:
            # Check that file hasn't already been analyzed
            dot = file.rfind('.')
            existingOutputFile = destDir + file[ : dot] + '.sgf'
            if (os.access(existingOutputFile, os.F_OK)):
                # See if newer
                if os.stat(existingOutputFile).st_mtime > os.stat(dir + 
                    continue    # Skip as already processed
            foundFile = True

    if foundFile:
        return fileList
        print "  ** All files in directory already processed **"

def GetFiles(dir):
    "Look for gnubg import files in dir"
        files = os.listdir(dir)
        print "  ** Directory not found **"
        return 0

    fileList = [[], [], [], [], []]
    foundAnyFile = False
    foundBGFile = False
    # Check each file in dir
    for file in files:
        # Check it's a file (not a directory)
        if os.path.isfile(dir + file):
            foundAnyFile = True
            # Check has supported extension
            dot = file.rfind('.')
            if dot != -1:
                ext = file[dot + 1 : ].lower()
                if extensions.count(ext):
                    foundBGFile = True
                    ftype = extensions.index(ext)                    

    if foundBGFile:
        return fileList
        if not foundAnyFile:
            print "  ** No files in directory **"
            print "  ** No valid files found in directory **"
        return 0

def AnalyzeFile(prompt, file, dir, destDir, type):
    "Run commands to analyze file in gnubg"
    gnubg.command('import ' + extCmds[type] + ' "' + dir + file + '"')
    print prompt + " Analysing " + file
    gnubg.command('analyze match')
    file = file[:-len(extensions[type])] + "sgf"
    gnubg.command('save match "' + destDir + file + '"')

def GetYN(prompt):
    confirm = '';
    while len(confirm) == 0 or (confirm[0] != 'y' and confirm[0] != 'n'):
        confirm = raw_input(prompt + " (y/n): ").lower()
    return confirm

def GetDir(prompt):
    dir = raw_input(prompt)
    if dir:
        # Make sure dir ends in a slash
        if (dir[-1] != '\\' and dir[-1] != '/'):
            dir = dir + '/'
    return dir

def BatchImport():
    "Import and analyse all files in a directory"
    dirs = [0, 0]
    # See if last dirs saved
    if (os.access(LAST_VALUES, os.F_OK)):
        file = open(LAST_VALUES, "r")
        dirs = file.readlines()
        # Remove new lines
        dirs[0] = dirs[0][:-1]
        dirs[1] = dirs[1][:-1]
        if os.path.isdir(dirs[0]) and os.path.isdir(dirs[1]):
            print "\nLast used dirs:\n from:", dirs[0][:-1], "\n   to:", 
            if GetYN("Reuse") == 'n':
                dirs = [0, 0]
            dirs = [0, 0]

    while True:
        # Get directory with original files in
        if (dirs[0] == 0):
            dirs[0] = GetDir("Directory containing files to import 
(enter-exit): ")
            if not dirs[0]:

        # Look for some files
        inFiles = GetFiles(dirs[0])
        if not inFiles:
            dirs = [0, 0]

        if (dirs[1] == 0):
            # Get directory to put analyzed files in
            while True:
                dirs[1] = GetDir("Directory to put analyzed files in 
(enter-same dir): ")
                if not dirs[1]:
                    dirs[1] = dirs[0]

                if os.path.isdir(dirs[1]):
                print "  ** Directory not found **"

        # Make sure files are new
        files = CheckFiles(inFiles, dirs[0], dirs[1])
        if files:
        dirs = [0, 0]

    # Display files that will be analyzed
    numFound = 0
    for eType in extTypes:
        numType = extTypes.index(eType)
        if len(files[numType]):
            print "\n" + eType + " files:"
            for file in files[numType]:
                print "    " + file
                numFound = numFound + 1

    if (numFound > 1):
        print "\n", numFound, "files found\n"

    # Check user wants to continue
    if GetYN("Continue") == 'n':

    # Save dirs for next time
    file = open(LAST_VALUES, "w")
    file.write(dirs[0] + "\n")
    file.write(dirs[1] + "\n")
    # Analyze each file
    num = 0
    for eType in extTypes:
        if len(files[extTypes.index(eType)]):
            print "\n" + eType + " files:"
            numType = extTypes.index(eType)
            for file in files[numType]:
                num = num + 1
                prompt = "\n(%d/%d)" % (num, numFound)
                AnalyzeFile(prompt, file, dirs[0], dirs[1], numType)

    print "\n** Finished **"

# Run batchimport on load
except Exception, (e):
    print "Error:", e

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