>> When the Game Record, Annotation and Message panels are all visible,
>> the window height is more than 1024 and it is impossible to resize it.
>> It seems to me that the Game Record panel vertical size (which the
>> user cannot change) is causing that ...
>I resolve this by maximizing the window.
No way : the window exceeds the screen size and I'm unable to resize
it [well, them : the window and the sceen :)].
It's like if its minimal (vertical) size was greater than the screen
size. The only way is to hide a panel (e.g. the message one).
>> Finally, the very low part of the window is taken by a line with
>> some text (more or less repeated in the Message panel) and by the
>> cursor indicating GNUbg is thinking. I would squeeze all this to a
>> width equal to the board's width, to have some extra vertical space
>> for the panel on the right.