I've been fiddeling around with python to try to come up with some batch
script to import, analyse and export bad moves all in one go - here is the
result. Thought I would post the script here if someone need an example. At the
same time maybe I can get some questions answered....
After setting the default paths, I still can't get the commands to work
without full path for the filename.
What am I doing wrong?
I need a way to get the player on roll name, like "show turn", but how do I
read it from python... maybe it isn't supported yet? Any suggestions on how I
can use "show turn" to get the name anyway?
Is it possible to get more information about the analysis, like lost equity
for a move etc?
Thanks for a great program!
# Batch import and analysis, written in python
# by Daniel Zetterman (DaZe on gamesgrid)
# address@hidden
# This script will:
# for all sgg-files in the import_path:
# 1. Import the sgg-file
# 2. Analyse it
# 3. Export all bad moves/cube descisions to html.
# 4. Save the analysed match to sgf-format
# 5. Move the sgg-file to a backup dir
import os
# ----- GLOBALS ---------------------
gnubg_path = "d:/program files/gnubg"
import_path = "d:/backgammongames/matches_to_be_analysed/"
match_path = "d:/backgammongames/matches_analysed/"
badmoves_path = "d:/backgammongames/exported_positions/"
backup_path = "d:/backgammongames/backup/"
chequer_plies = "0"
cube_plies = "0"
priority = "idle"
confirm_new = "off"
confirm_save = "off"
sound_enable = "off"
# ----- CHECK -----------------------
def checkdir(dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
print "Missing path - '" + dir + "', please check your settings
and try
# ----- INIT ------------------------
gnubg.command("set path sgg " + import_path) #can't get these to work
gnubg.command("set path sgf " + match_path)
gnubg.command("set path html " + badmoves_path)
gnubg.command("set priority " + priority)
gnubg.command("set analysis chequerplay evaluation plies " + chequer_plies)
gnubg.command("set analysis cubedecision evaluation plies " + cube_plies)
gnubg.command("set confirm new " + confirm_new)
gnubg.command("set confirm save " + confirm_save)
gnubg.command("set sound enable " + sound_enable)
# ----- PROCESS MATCH ---------------
for importfile in os.listdir(import_path):
if os.path.splitext(importfile)[1] != ".sgg":
prevpos = gnubg.positionid()
gnubg.command("import sgg " + "\"" + importfile + "\"")
gnubg.command("analyse clear session")
gnubg.command("analyse match")
os.chdir(gnubg_path) # this is needed for the record command (???)
gnubg.command("record add match")
gnubg.command("first game")
gnubg.command("next marked")
pos = gnubg.positionid()
poscount = 0
while pos != prevpos:
while pos != prevpos:
if 1:
# TODO: only export pos if I made the bad move
exportfile = os.path.splitext(importfile)[0] +
"__" + str(poscount) +
gnubg.command("export position html " + "\"" + exportfile + "\"")
gnubg.command("next marked")
prevpos = pos
pos = gnubg.positionid()
poscount = poscount + 1
gnubg.command("next game")
gnubg.command("next marked")
prevpos = pos
pos = gnubg.positionid()
matchfile = os.path.splitext(importfile)[0] + ".sgf"
gnubg.command("save match " + "\"" + matchfile + "\"")
if os.path.isfile(backup_path + importfile):
os.remove(backup_path + importfile)
os.rename(import_path + importfile, backup_path + importfile)