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Re: [Bug-gnubg] Missing items in the translation

From: Joern Thyssen
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] Missing items in the translation
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 17:11:41 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 07:04:30PM +0200, Achim wrote
> Am Son, 2003-08-03 um 18.37 schrieb Joern Thyssen:
> > On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 11:59:39AM +0200, Achim Mueller wrote
> > > I just figured out, that there is some english text in the original
> > > gnubg, that doesn't occur in the po files. I.e.:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 1. Slide over the icons. Then you get some small "hint" windows like
> > > "stop the current operation"
> > > 
> > > 2. At the bottom there is a summary of an currently opened match. There
> > > is also no entry in the po files for it.
> > 
> > All files that contain translation must be listed in po/POTFILES.in. 
> > 
> > For example, gtktoolbar.c is missing, which should take care of 1. I'm
> So adding a missing file to POTFILES and doing a gmake update-gmo and
> gmake update-po is enough?!

You must change POTFILES.in. POTFILES is a derived file.

Any, I've already updated POTFILES.in, so you need only do the
update-gmo and update-po part.

> > not sure I understand 2. Can you post an example?
> I mean some messages of status bar and the match summary left above.
> (i.e. 5-"away")

The messages in the status bar comes from various "output" commands
throughout the source, so they are harder to find if you don't have
examples of the English text.

For the 5-way part: try searching for "away" in the source code. The
following two lines looks interesting:

address@hidden gnubg-head2 26]$ grep -n away gtkboard.c
2060:      sprintf( buf, "%d (%d-away)", bd->score_opponent,
2067:      sprintf( buf, "%d (%d-away)", bd->score,

Maybe there are other strings around line 2060 that has missing _(...).


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