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Wonderful Programming Article! Quick Question...

From: Andrew Hoffman
Subject: Wonderful Programming Article! Quick Question...
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:01:03 -0400

Hey there!

I hope you’re doing well! I was doing some research on the top needs for programming and I came across your article, Why C programming language?. (Since I know you have a lot of helpful site content, here is the link I am referring to: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuastro/manual/html_node/Why-C.html. I found the post helpful on what is up and coming and in high demand in the coding world. I actually tried coding when I was in university and came to the conclusion that coding might hate me, but that’s a different story!

I didn't know that developers are writing scientific software in a combination of python and C coding. That was interesting. Regarding C coding specifically, one thing I am seeing is that there is some confusion amongst beginners on where to start when it comes to C coding (C#, C++, etc).

Since C coding is obviously still popular, I would love to get your opinion about our article, C# vs. C++: What’s at the Core?. It was written by a veteran full-stack developer with 15 years experience creating C coded apps and platforms. The article itself is very helpful in breaking down C# vs C++ in a very clear way for those who may be either struggling to understand the differences or to possibly help determine which route to go in C coding.

Here is the article link for your convenience: https://www.toptal.com/c-sharp/c-sharp-vs-c-plus-plus

If you find the article to be helpful, would you consider linking it to your article as a further reading suggestion? 

Thanks for your time and I would love any feedback regarding the article as well!


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