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Re: Gnuastro 0.16.184 released

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: Re: Gnuastro 0.16.184 released
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 02:59:10 +0100
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Dear Alexey,

Thanks a lot for all the great points! I have implemented them in this commit:


As explained in the commit message, I should look more into the x-escaping. But all the other points were great! Thanks ;-).

Portability and following conventions/experience is very important, thanks again for sharing these good points in such a clear way ;-).


On 3/15/22 05:48, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 03:45:24AM +0100, Mohammad Akhlaghi wrote:
Dear all,

After the long wait, I am happy to say that Gnuastro 0.17 is now
finally ready for release. Since the last alpha-release there have
been _many_ updates (see [1]). So before the official Gnuastro 0.17
release (during the weekend), I am sharing this second test release.

Hi Mohammad,

Thanks for the heads-up and another test release.  It builds fine here
on FreeBSD, but there's a minor annoyance.

The bin/script/fits-view.in' script has /bin/bash shebang, which is a
linuxism.  At a quick glance it does not use things like [[ or arrays
and thus should be POSIX shell compatible => #!/bin/sh.  Could you
confirm and adjust the shebang accordingly?

There are a few stylistic bugs in it: test(1) equality operator is =
(single), not == (double), albeit the latter is supported because it
is apparently too hard to fight the finger memory of many. :)

Then, [ $ds9mode = "wcs" ] || [ $ds9mode = "img" ] I'd rewritten as
[ "$ds9mode" = wcs -o "$ds9mode" = img ] which is both shorter and
implies only one test(1) invocation.  Note that you don't have to
quote static strings, only the variables (as they could expand to an
empty string).

There are some old-school constructs like x"$hdu" = x, yet all modern
shell implementations handle empty strings (when properly quoted) just
fine and do not require x-escaping.  Also, test(1) has a dedicated
operator for testing string emptiness, -z.

There's some excessive vertical whitespace which could be trimmed.


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