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Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] Why iconv is locale dependent?

From: tomas
Subject: Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] Why iconv is locale dependent?
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 17:51:54 -0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.0.2

Hi Bruno

Thanks for your quick answer!

I am writing you because I couldn't understand why iconv (and libiconv
also, I suppose) is locale-dependent.

Short answer: Because different cultures have different conventions.

For example, Gorbatchov (English) is Gorbatschow (in German) or
Gorbatchev (in French).
Correct me if I am wrong: you are saying that "Горбачёв" will be converted from UTF-8 to ASCII/TRANSLIT in different ways according to the above "cultures"? Thus, if my system uses en_US.UTF-8 the result would be different from a system that uses fr.UTF-8.

I thought that by simply determining the destination encoding this "culture" would be also determined...

In glibc, you find the transliteration rules per locale in

libiconv, on the other hand, is simpler: it does not have locale-
dependent transliteration. This is more a misfeature than a feature.
I am using libiconv (through lua-iconv) and I was experimenting the transliteration problem mentioned in the original message. I had to set UTF-8 locale to achieve the proper conversions. Now I am confused. It seems contradictory that libiconv and iconv would give different results... Or libiconv has another kind of parameter to conversions?


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