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bug#48747: [SPAM UNSURE] Re: bug#48747: add project-name generic

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#48747: [SPAM UNSURE] Re: bug#48747: add project-name generic
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 04:41:06 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.2

On 21/11/22 20:59, Stephen Leake wrote:
Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> writes:

On 21.11.2022 00:17, Stephen Leake wrote:

But let's please go back to my question: could we use the new generic
in project-prompt-project-dir? And should we?

project-prompt-project-dir used to chose a project, by choosing a root
directory (in project-current, project-forget-project, and
project-switch-project). (that's not guarranteed to be a one-to-one
mapping, but that's a separate issue). It currently completes on a list
of file names.

Those file names come from project-list-file which relies on users or
clients calling project-remember-project.

I guess what you might be saying is that the file contains directories and not project instances. Thus, going to the project name is a non-trivial transition anyway. And for the whole list, potentially costly.

I think a better design would be for the default project-name to return
nil; then project-prompt-project-dir could use names if they are
non-nil, falling back to abbreviated file names if the project name is
nil. That would allow a mix of named and un-named projects. Eglot could
do the same. project-list-file should store the project name.

That's a problem: if the default is nil, then for every project the user will have to customize it somehow. Otherwise the method is not going to be usable. That's not a great workflow from my POV.

If the place where you want to use it in Eglot, currently calls

  (file-name-base (directory-file-name root))

then that is probably the best default after all.

In that case, project-prompt-project-dir could be renamed to

If we do, we'll have to default the return value to

   (abbreviate-file-name (project-root pr))

rather than your suggested

   (file-name-base (directory-file-name (project-root pr)))

That's a reasonable choice; it does not work for the eglot use case.
Which argues for the default to be nil.

I'm not clear why you want this to be the default;
project-prompt-project-dir does not currently use abbreviate-file-name
(perhaps it should?).

Abbreviate or not is a minor detail. Not too important for project-prompt-project-dir, but could be more valuable in other potential places, such as mode-line, which value compactness.

Would you say you intend to override project-name a lot?

I'm not sure what counts as "a lot" here. All wisi projects have a name
provided by the user, and almost all projects I use are wisi projects.
So yes? On the other hand, I don't have plans to write any new projects
that need names. So no?

Or do you want to take advantage of the shorter default name in most

Deriving the project name from the root directory of the project is not
useful in my use cases. Abbreviating does not make it more useful; the
only useful label is the string provided by the user. And I
have situations where the root directory is the same for two projects;
for example, ada_language_server has main and test projects.

So wisi will continue to store a user provided string in a project
object slot; it will override project-name to return that slot.

That answers my questions, thanks.

Transient projects could also store a name as a plist entry in the
project object: '(transient /a/root/dir :name "wisitoken main")

Yes, but, for a transient object, there's nowhere to get the custom name from. The user just chooses a directory.

Anyway, I think we can proceed with your original proposal (where the default name is the base name of the root directory). Some users of project-vc backend will probably want to customize it too, we can add a buffer-local variable for that (now or later).

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