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bug#59388: Open emacsclient file at last line

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#59388: Open emacsclient file at last line
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:08:06 -0800

On 11/19/2022 10:07 AM, Gregory Heytings wrote:
Hmmm...  I must be missing something.  What do you mean?  emacsclient --eval means "do not visit files but instead evaluate the arguments as Emacs Lisp expressions".

I have two thoughts about this:

1. Why does --eval do that? You can mix filenames and --eval with the
   regular emacs program:

     emacs -Q foo.txt --eval '(message "hi")'

   Why doesn't emacsclient work similarly? (On the other hand, changing
   this might break compatibility, so we should be careful here.)

2. Assuming we don't change --eval as above, maybe the proposed --apply
   option discussed in bug#57752 could work:

     emacsclient --apply end-of-buffer -- foo.c

   I believe this would even work if you defined a shell alias like so:

     alias edit=end="emacsclient --apply end-of-buffer --"
     edit-end foo.txt

   That said, adding --apply to emacsclient (and emacs, too!) seemed
   like a fair bit of work when I looked at it...

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