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bug#59087: 29.0.50; package-vc-update error

From: Feng Shu
Subject: bug#59087: 29.0.50; package-vc-update error
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 18:01:18 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> Feng Shu <tumashu@163.com> writes:
>> Maybe this issue is related package dependent, I have test like below:
>> 1. before package-vc-install
>> (find-library-name "popon") => 
>> "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popon-0.12/popon.el"
>> (find-library-name "corfu-terminal") => 
>> "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-terminal-0.5/corfu-terminal.el"
> Ok.
>> 2. package-vc-install popon
>> (find-library-name "popon") => "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popon/popon.el"
>> (find-library-name "corfu-terminal") => 
>> "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-terminal-0.5/corfu-terminal.el"
>> popon item is showed when run package-vc-update.
> Makes sense, the "popon" directory has no version number.
>> 3. package-vc-install corfu-terminal
>> (find-library-name "popon") => "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popon/popon.el"
>> (find-library-name "corfu-terminal") => 
>> "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-terminal/corfu-terminal.el"
>> package-vc-update only show corfu-terminal, and popon lost.
>> corfu-terminal is depend on popon.
> I'll try this out, but in the future it would be useful to see the
> contents of the variable `package-alist'.  This is all related to that
> value.

(cl-prettyprint package-alist)

((undo-tree #s(package-desc undo-tree (20170706 246) "Treat undo history as a 
tree" nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/undo-tree-20170706.246" 
((:keywords "convenience" "files" "undo" "redo" "history" "tree") (:url . 
"http://www.dr-qubit.org/emacs.php";) (:commit . 
"e9a9102f515acd7523158f20e83f300600374989")) nil))
 (with-editor #s(package-desc with-editor (20220810 1159) "Use the Emacsclient 
as $EDITOR" ((emacs (25 1)) (compat (28 1 1 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/with-editor-20220810.1159" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/with-editor";) (:keywords "processes" "terminals") 
(:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas 
Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . 
"14a958d4f2fc932db1c1af30ca405e6570d60e24")) nil))
 (async #s(package-desc async (20221103 638) "Asynchronous processing in Emacs" 
((emacs (24 4))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/async-20221103.638" 
((:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async";) (:keywords "async") 
(:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thievol@posteo.net") (:authors ("John 
Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"10cedd8ac7173e92a6822317f1782550199d2d6d")) nil))
 (adaptive-wrap #s(package-desc adaptive-wrap (0 8) "Smart line-wrapping with 
wrap-prefix" nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/adaptive-wrap-0.8" 
((:maintainer "Stephen Berman" . "stephen.berman@gmx.net") (:authors ("Stephen 
Berman" . "stephen.berman@gmx.net") ("Stefan Monnier" . 
"monnier@iro.umontreal.ca")) (:url . 
"https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/adaptive-wrap.html";)) nil))
 (corfu #s(package-desc corfu (0 28) "Completion Overlay Region FUnction" 
((emacs (27 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-0.28" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/corfu";) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de")) (:commit . 
"3408e41bf0d2264d754a59b0326c622d874d5537")) t))
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((emacs (24))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/dash-20221013.836" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magnars/dash.el";) (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") 
(:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . 
"magnars@gmail.com")) (:commit . "3df46d7d9fe74f52a661565888e4d31fd760f0df")) 
 (pos-tip #s(package-desc pos-tip (20220715 1020) "Show tooltip at point" nil 
nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/pos-tip-20220715.1020" ((:keywords 
"tooltip") (:maintainer "S. Irie") (:authors ("S. Irie")) (:commit . 
"bfe74204d1201a33ace81898e7c485382817510a")) nil))
 (bui #s(package-desc bui (20210108 1141) "Buffer interface library" ((emacs 
(24 3)) (dash (2 11 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/bui-20210108.1141" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/alezost/bui.el";) (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer "Alex 
Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "f3a137628e112a91910fd33c0cff0948fa58d470")) nil))
 (rainbow-mode #s(package-desc rainbow-mode (1 0 6) "Colorize color names in 
buffers" nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/rainbow-mode-1.0.6" 
((:keywords "faces") (:maintainer "Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info") 
(:authors ("Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info")) (:url . 
"https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/rainbow-mode.html";) (:commit . 
"ac68593018ef3555e64ea592d72334f4e3e39209")) t))
 (git-commit #s(package-desc git-commit (20221106 1128) "Edit Git commit 
messages." ((emacs (25 1)) (compat (28 1 1 2)) (transient (20210920)) 
(with-editor (20211001))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/git-commit-20221106.1128" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/magit";) (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer 
"Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . 
"jonas@bernoul.li") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com") ("Florian 
Ragwitz" . "rafl@debian.org") ("Marius Vollmer" . "marius.vollmer@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "161ab485209ecd0f304e16ca95f8a145327e7ffe")) nil))
 (epl #s(package-desc epl (20180205 2049) "Emacs Package Library" ((cl-lib (0 
3))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/epl-20180205.2049" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/cask/epl";) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . 
"johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . 
"swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:keywords "convenience") (:commit . 
"78ab7a85c08222cd15582a298a364774e3282ce6")) nil))
 (f #s(package-desc f (20220911 711) "Modern API for working with files and 
directories" ((emacs (24 1)) (s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/f-20220911.711" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/rejeep/f.el";) (:keywords "files" "directories") (:maintainer 
"Lucien Cartier-Tilet" . "lucien@phundrak.com") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . 
"johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"d50dca48929575642912bb5bbb2585709ba38f82")) nil))
 (markdown-mode #s(package-desc markdown-mode (20221105 236) "Major mode for 
Markdown-formatted text" ((emacs (26 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/markdown-mode-20221105.236" ((:url . 
"https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/";) (:keywords "markdown" "github 
flavored markdown" "itex") (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . 
"jblevins@xbeta.org") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "jblevins@xbeta.org")) 
(:commit . "c338cdff80012893e64ba62a199281f430db7021")) nil))
 (org-ql #s(package-desc org-ql (20221007 2334) "Org Query Language, search 
command, and agenda-like view" ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 18 1)) (f (0 17 2)) 
(map (2 1)) (org (9 0)) (org-super-agenda (1 2)) (ov (1 0 6)) (peg (1 0)) (s (1 
12 0)) (transient (0 1)) (ts (0 2 -1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/org-ql-20221007.2334" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql";) (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" 
"agenda") (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:authors ("Adam 
Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:commit . 
"5f70636556bffca92d8ef8297ba3002a4ab5b52d")) nil))
 (company #s(package-desc company (20221007 2145) "Modular text completion 
framework" ((emacs (25 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/company-20221007.2145" ((:url . 
"http://company-mode.github.io/";) (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") 
(:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:authors ("Nikolaj 
Schumacher")) (:commit . "48fea7a905b3bcc6d97609316beced666da89b1f")) nil))
 (dired-hacks-utils #s(package-desc dired-hacks-utils (20201005 2318) 
"Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection" ((dash (2 5 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/dired-hacks-utils-20201005.2318" ((:maintainer 
"Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . 
"matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:keywords "files") (:commit . 
"d6d4d1930969bbc22fd0551d5195887bf92cab3e")) nil))
 (popon #s(package-desc popon (0 12) "\"Pop\" floating text \"on\" a window" 
((emacs (25 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popon-0.12" ((:url . 
"https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-popon";) (:keywords "lisp" "extensions" 
"frames") (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") (:authors 
("Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org")) (:commit . 
"f57efe0abbe73a9c0e7f6953bce1eb81a2b37e7e")) t)
        #s(package-desc popon (0 12) "\"Pop\" floating text \"on\" a window" 
((emacs (25 1))) vc nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popon" ((:commit . 
"f57efe0abbe73a9c0e7f6953bce1eb81a2b37e7e") (:authors ("Akib Azmain Turja" . 
"akib@disroot.org")) (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") 
(:keywords "lisp" "extensions" "frames") (:url . 
"https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-popon";)) nil))
 (pyim-basedict #s(package-desc pyim-basedict (0 5 4) "The default pinyin dict 
of pyim" nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/pyim-basedict-0.5.4" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/tumashu/pyim-basedict";) (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" 
"pinyin" "input-method" "complete") (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . 
"tumashu@163.com") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:commit . 
"d61af27686f7a39e6c138b7261a686e7ea7a0ef7")) t))
 (pkg-info #s(package-desc pkg-info (20150517 1143) "Information about 
packages" ((epl (0 8))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/pkg-info-20150517.1143" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/lunaryorn/pkg-info.el";) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . 
"swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . 
"swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:keywords "convenience") (:commit . 
"76ba7415480687d05a4353b27fea2ae02b8d9d61")) nil))
 (company-posframe #s(package-desc company-posframe (20221118 824) "Use a 
posframe as company candidate menu" ((emacs (26 0)) (company (0 9 0)) (posframe 
(0 9 0))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/company-posframe-20221118.824" 
((:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/company-posframe";) (:keywords "abbrev" 
"convenience" "matching") (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") 
(:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel, Feng Shu, Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com")) 
(:commit . "ab58972c2cebc5ecf68c4cdd140c3aed2c68f42b")) nil))
 (transient #s(package-desc transient (20221118 1443) "Transient commands" 
((emacs (25 1)) (compat (28 1 1 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/transient-20221118.1443" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/transient";) (:keywords "extensions") (:maintainer 
"Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . 
"jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . "804c27f1f585c05a777c288fbcfa1c16a3c0cd45")) 
 (xmlgen #s(package-desc xmlgen (20170411 1317) "A DSL for generating XML." nil 
nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/xmlgen-20170411.1317" ((:maintainer 
"Philip Jackson" . "phil@shellarchive.co.uk") (:authors ("Philip Jackson" . 
"phil@shellarchive.co.uk")) (:commit . 
"dba66681f0c5e621a9e70e8afb34903c9ffe93c4")) nil))
 (evil #s(package-desc evil (1 15 0) "extensible vi layer" nil nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/evil-1.15.0" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil";) (:keywords "emulation" "vim") 
(:maintainer "Tom Dalziel" . "tom.dalziel@gmail.com") (:commit . 
"008a6cdb12f15e748979a7d1c2f26c34c84dedbf")) t))
 (emms #s(package-desc emms (20221006 1511) "The Emacs Multimedia System" 
((cl-lib (0 5)) (nadvice (0 3)) (seq (0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/emms-20221006.1511" ((:url . 
"https://www.gnu.org/software/emms/";) (:keywords "emms" "mp3" "ogg" "flac" 
"music" "mpeg" "video" "multimedia") (:maintainer "Yoni Rabkin" . 
"yrk@gnu.org") (:authors ("Jorgen Schäfer" . "forcer@forcix.cx")) (:commit . 
"d9f67eeb1ce68c228fcbe02596318c6452b6292a")) nil))
 (elpa-mirror #s(package-desc elpa-mirror (20220526 1512) "Create local package 
repository from installed packages" ((emacs (25 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/elpa-mirror-20220526.1512" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/redguardtoo/elpa-mirror";) (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer 
"Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . 
"chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"fecb74e8b5ce1562df2951dbbed158d75a21aa7f")) nil))
 (consult #s(package-desc consult (20221117 807) "Consulting completing-read" 
((emacs (27 1)) (compat (28 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/consult-20221117.807" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/consult";) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler and Consult 
contributors")) (:commit . "35b57c1996b0887d4940960f1cd7deb7a5f4a2d9")) nil))
 (ebdb #s(package-desc ebdb (0 8 16) "Contact management package" ((emacs (25 
1)) (seq (2 15))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ebdb-0.8.16" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/girzel/ebdb";) (:keywords "convenience" "mail") (:maintainer 
"Eric Abrahamsen" . "eric@ericabrahamsen.net") (:authors ("Eric Abrahamsen" . 
"eric@ericabrahamsen.net")) (:commit . 
"a961744cc49a6e9b96474ef8ea90dc34feaef24c")) t))
 (ht #s(package-desc ht (20221031 705) "The missing hash table library for 
Emacs" ((dash (2 12 0))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ht-20221031.705" 
((:keywords "hash table" "hash map" "hash") (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . 
"me@wilfred.me.uk") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:commit 
. "ef768ccdeb8159814628ab0e2714e7dc8d9674fa")) nil))
 (posframe #s(package-desc posframe (1 2 0) "Pop a posframe (just a frame) at 
point" ((emacs (26 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/posframe-1.2.0" 
((:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/posframe";) (:keywords "convenience" 
"tooltip") (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . 
"tumashu@163.com")) (:commit . "48b7130ca3b5c98bdb21bf99b64a3536acf2b0eb")) t))
 (orderless #s(package-desc orderless (20221113 1719) "Completion style for 
matching regexps in any order" ((emacs (26 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/orderless-20221113.1719" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/oantolin/orderless";) (:keywords "extensions") (:maintainer 
"Omar Antolín Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx") (:authors ("Omar Antolín 
Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx")) (:commit . 
"2debd96da6f75703ccbca6d852ad994ce84fa529")) nil))
 (xr #s(package-desc xr (1 23) "Convert string regexp to rx notation" ((emacs 
(26 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/xr-1.23" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/mattiase/xr";) (:keywords "lisp" "regexps") (:maintainer 
"Mattias Engdegård" . "mattiase@acm.org") (:authors ("Mattias Engdegård" . 
"mattiase@acm.org")) (:commit . "74906f6d104b7daae162dc32684e0443e80fdb03")) t))
 (wgrep #s(package-desc wgrep (20210322 2207) "Writable grep buffer and apply 
the changes to files" nil nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/wgrep-20210322.2207" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep/raw/master/wgrep.el";) (:keywords 
"grep" "edit" "extensions") (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . 
"mhayashi1120@gmail.com") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . 
"mhayashi1120@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"f9687c28bbc2e84f87a479b6ce04407bb97cfb23")) nil))
 (cal-china-x #s(package-desc cal-china-x (20200924 1837) "Chinese 
localization, lunar/horoscope/zodiac info and more..." ((cl-lib (0 5))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/cal-china-x-20200924.1837" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/xwl/cal-china-x";) (:maintainer "William Xu" . 
"william.xwl@gmail.com") (:authors ("William Xu" . "william.xwl@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "94005e678a1d2522b7a00299779f40c5c77286b8")) nil))
 (edit-indirect #s(package-desc edit-indirect (20220511 1124) "Edit regions in 
separate buffers" ((emacs (24 3))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/edit-indirect-20220511.1124" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/Fanael/edit-indirect";) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . 
"fanael4@gmail.com") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "f80f63822ffae78de38dbe72cacaeb1aaa96c732")) nil))
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each other" ((emacs (25 1)) (transient (0 3)) (geiser (0 28))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/geiser-guile-0.28.0" ((:url . 
"https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/guile";) (:keywords "languages" "guile" 
"scheme" "geiser") (:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") 
(:authors ("Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:commit . 
"f5e82dc0f5a076335f201885a7edbefaa1ad435f")) t))
 (citre #s(package-desc citre (20221111 1230) "Ctags IDE on the True Editor" 
((emacs (26 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/citre-20221111.1230" 
((:url . "https://github.com/universal-ctags/citre";) (:keywords "convenience" 
"tools") (:maintainer "Hao Wang" . "amaikinono@gmail.com") (:authors ("Hao 
Wang" . "amaikinono@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"244501472ddf31c91cc374231849a05c86dfb1fb")) nil))
 (peg #s(package-desc peg (1 0) "Parsing Expression Grammars in Emacs Lisp" 
((emacs (25))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/peg-1.0" ((:url . 
"http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/peg.html";)) t))
 (modus-themes #s(package-desc modus-themes (20221117 1155) "Elegant, highly 
legible and customizable themes" ((emacs (27 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/modus-themes-20221117.1155" ((:url . 
"https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/modus-themes";) (:keywords "faces" "theme" 
"accessibility") (:maintainer "Modus-Themes Development" . 
"~protesilaos/modus-themes@lists.sr.ht") (:authors ("Protesilaos Stavrou" . 
"info@protesilaos.com")) (:commit . 
"30b622807601d3c1722347717f998d6d5a0146f3")) nil))
 (ov #s(package-desc ov (20200326 1042) "Overlay library for Emacs Lisp" 
((emacs (24 3))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ov-20200326.1042" ((:url 
. "https://github.com/ShingoFukuyama/ov.el";) (:keywords "convenience" 
"overlay") (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co";) (:authors 
("Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co";)) (:commit . 
"c5b9aa4e1b00d702eb2caedd61c69a22a5fa1fab")) nil))
 (marginalia #s(package-desc marginalia (0 15) "Enrich existing commands with 
completion annotations" ((emacs (27 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/marginalia-0.15" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/marginalia";) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena 
<omar@matem.unam.mx>, Daniel Mendler" . "mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors 
("Omar Antolín Camarena <omar@matem.unam.mx>, Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de")) (:commit . 
"cc7a086cd7816ad41ff004c61c41bdd26ec3ea0b")) t))
 (vertico #s(package-desc vertico (0 28) "VERTical Interactive COmpletion" 
((emacs (27 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/vertico-0.28" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/vertico";) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de")) (:commit . 
"31060942d65ccd3c1b488d8db497af5eda9ac7fc")) t))
 (vundo #s(package-desc vundo (2 0 0) "Visual undo tree" ((emacs (28 1))) nil 
nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/vundo-2.0.0" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/casouri/vundo";) (:keywords "undo" "text" "editing") 
(:maintainer "Yuan Fu" . "casouri@gmail.com") (:authors ("Yuan Fu" . 
"casouri@gmail.com")) (:commit . "10d5debe317b2244d19085151040f955dda4a9ab")) 
 (magit #s(package-desc magit (20221113 2221) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." 
((emacs (25 1)) (compat (28 1 1 2)) (dash (20210826)) (git-commit (20220222)) 
(magit-section (20220325)) (transient (20220325)) (with-editor (20220318))) nil 
nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/magit-20221113.2221" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/magit";) (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer 
"Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Marius Vollmer" . 
"marius.vollmer@gmail.com") ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit 
. "05b0d99d714350d51676b86da9f5daa2f6b7fa3e")) nil))
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in-buffer field editing" ((emacs (27 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/tempel-20221016.1017" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/tempel";) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de")) (:commit . 
"7d7adf155760d33b8c391fbf1e99c5be85bab85a")) nil))
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Org-mode" ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 4 6))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/org-contrib-0.4" ((:url . 
"https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib";) (:keywords "org") (:maintainer "Bastien 
Guerry" . "bzg@gnu.org") (:authors ("Bastien Guerry" . "bzg@gnu.org")) (:commit 
. "c6aef31ccfc7c4418c3b51e98f7c3bd8e255f5e6")) t))
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checking" ((dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) 
(emacs (24 3))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/flycheck-20221112.1552" 
((:url . "http://www.flycheck.org";) (:keywords "convenience" "languages" 
"tools") (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") 
(:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:commit . 
"ab93e2db1dd8333e86f8aeeafbf1e2a0e5f0be38")) nil))
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tool" ((emacs (24))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/cnfonts-20221019.159" 
((:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/cnfonts";) (:keywords "convenience" 
"chinese" "font") (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:authors ("Feng 
Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:commit . 
"102f808e500715e0cfb80905110d1f42aa7b6069")) nil))
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to switch window" ((emacs (24))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/switch-window-20220812.2137" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/dimitri/switch-window";) (:keywords "convenience") 
(:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org") (:authors ("Dimitri 
Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org") ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:commit . 
"71ef2f54c97f3fd2e7ff7964d82e6562eb6282f7")) nil))
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Back-End for Org Export Engine" nil nil nil 
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"markdown" "github") (:maintainer "Lars Tveito") (:authors ("Lars Tveito")) 
(:commit . "46faa67dbb3fb0cd7a76c3fe518f16e4195c22c7")) nil))
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internationalization support for EBDB" ((pyim (1 6 0)) (ebdb (0 6 17))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ebdb-i18n-chn-1.3.2" ((:maintainer "Eric 
Abrahamsen" . "eric@ericabrahamsen.net") (:authors ("Eric Abrahamsen" . 
"eric@ericabrahamsen.net")) (:url . 
"https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/ebdb-i18n-chn.html";)) t))
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mode to aggressively keep your code always indented" ((emacs (24 3))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/aggressive-indent-20221009.1158" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/Malabarba/aggressive-indent-mode";) (:keywords "indent" 
"lisp" "maint" "tools") (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . 
"emacs@endlessparentheses.com") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . 
"emacs@endlessparentheses.com")) (:commit . 
"f376cdc25de5c0f8c330f1e053557d95ca47a540")) nil))
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other" ((emacs (25 1)) (project (0 8 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/geiser-0.28" ((:url . 
"https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/";) (:keywords "languages" "scheme" "geiser") 
(:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:authors ("Jose 
Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:commit . 
"04dbdacfeca0190856abad859360da4bb873f9dd")) t))
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(24 5))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ivy-0.13.4" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/abo-abo/swiper";) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . 
"ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) 
(:keywords "matching")) t))
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(24 3)) (dash (2 11 0)) (geiser (0 8)) (bui (1 2 0)) (magit-popup (2 1 0)) 
(edit-indirect (0 1 4))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/guix-20210608.1653" ((:url . 
"https://emacs-guix.gitlab.io/website/";) (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer "Alex 
Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "c9aef52121b458297e70bb50f49f7276b4a8d759")) nil))
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for elisp package authors" ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1)) (let-alist (1 0 6))) 
nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/package-lint-20221003.1636" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/purcell/package-lint";) (:keywords "lisp") (:maintainer 
"Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . 
"steve@sanityinc.com") ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"4ea8318c1bf79ccb1b4658d58917bbd9f990c432")) nil))
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nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/0blayout-20190703.527" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/etu/0blayout";) (:keywords "convenience" 
"window-management") (:maintainer "Elis \"etu\" Axelsson") (:authors ("Elis 
\"etu\" Axelsson")) (:commit . "fd9a8f353dbd45b4628b5f84b8d8c2525ebf571d")) 
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3))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/popup-0.5.9" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/auto-complete/popup-el";) (:keywords "lisp") (:maintainer 
"Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . 
"m2ym.pub@gmail.com"))) t))
 (org-download #s(package-desc org-download (20220906 1929) "Image 
drag-and-drop for Org-mode." ((emacs (24 3)) (async (1 2))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/org-download-20220906.1929" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/abo-abo/org-download";) (:keywords "multimedia" "images" 
"screenshots" "download") (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel") (:authors ("Oleh 
Krehel")) (:commit . "19e166f0a8c539b4144cfbc614309d47a9b2a9b7")) nil))
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quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime." ((emacs (25 1)) (async (1 6)) (xr 
(1 13))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/pyim-20221107.41" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/tumashu/pyim";) (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "pinyin" 
"input-method") (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:authors ("Ye 
Wenbin" . "wenbinye@163.com") ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:commit . 
"93fab3c9e8c2490687781d45c1cecead0bd3ecf2")) nil))
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parentheses" nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/paredit-20220709.916" 
((:keywords "lisp") (:maintainer "Taylor R. Campbell" . 
"campbell+paredit@mumble.net") (:authors ("Taylor R. Campbell" . 
"campbell+paredit@mumble.net")) (:commit . 
"42500e5d450c88a3b249b548be447577d8549b17")) nil))
 (el2org #s(package-desc el2org (20200408 146) "Convert elisp file to org file" 
((emacs (25 1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/el2org-20200408.146" 
((:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/el2org";) (:maintainer "Feng Shu " . 
"tumashu@163.com") (:authors ("Feng Shu " . "tumashu@163.com")) (:keywords 
"convenience") (:commit . "7db77fdd73f378d4e60e34c11bbdf00677adc32c")) nil))
 (rainbow-delimiters #s(package-desc rainbow-delimiters (20210515 1254) 
"Highlight brackets according to their depth" nil nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/rainbow-delimiters-20210515.1254" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/Fanael/rainbow-delimiters";) (:keywords "faces" 
"convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . 
"fanael4@gmail.com") (:authors ("Jeremy Rayman" . 
"opensource@jeremyrayman.com") ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) 
(:commit . "d576e6694ad3a3e88b2bb1363305b38fa364c149")) nil))
 (cape #s(package-desc cape (0 10) "Completion At Point Extensions" ((emacs (27 
1))) nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/cape-0.10" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/minad/cape";) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler" . 
"mail@daniel-mendler.de")) (:commit . 
"4b32036a6c667b445dcc001fd70a01eee8baa924")) t))
 (corfu-terminal #s(package-desc corfu-terminal (0 5) "Corfu popup on terminal" 
((emacs (26 1)) (corfu (0 24)) (popon (0 1))) vc nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-terminal" ((:commit . 
"1a15a01e2e1464daadfa4973cb695802e5c23a25") (:authors ("Akib Azmain Turja" . 
"akib@disroot.org")) (:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") 
(:keywords "convenience") (:url . 
"https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-corfu-terminal";)) nil)
                 #s(package-desc corfu-terminal (0 5) "Corfu popup on terminal" 
((emacs (26 1)) (corfu (0 24)) (popon (0 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/corfu-terminal-0.5" ((:url . 
"https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-corfu-terminal";) (:keywords "convenience") 
(:maintainer "Akib Azmain Turja" . "akib@disroot.org") (:authors ("Akib Azmain 
Turja" . "akib@disroot.org")) (:commit . 
"1a15a01e2e1464daadfa4973cb695802e5c23a25")) t))
 (org-super-agenda #s(package-desc org-super-agenda (20220826 2315) 
"Supercharge your agenda" ((emacs (26 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 13)) (org (9 
0)) (ht (2 2)) (ts (0 2))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/org-super-agenda-20220826.2315" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/alphapapa/org-super-agenda";) (:keywords "hypermedia" 
"outlines" "org" "agenda") (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") 
(:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:commit . 
"f4f528985397c833c870967884b013cf91a1da4a")) nil))
 (compat #s(package-desc compat (28 1 2 2) "Emacs Lisp Compatibility Library" 
((emacs (24 3)) (nadvice (0 3))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/compat-" ((:url . 
"https://sr.ht/~pkal/compat";) (:keywords "lisp") (:maintainer "Compat 
Development" . "~pkal/compat-devel@lists.sr.ht") (:authors ("Philip Kaludercic" 
. "philipk@posteo.net")) (:commit . 
"d533692182c084bad623977b69f9dc298255eaab")) t))
 (projectile #s(package-desc projectile (20221118 1035) "Manage and navigate 
projects in Emacs easily" ((emacs (25 1))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/projectile-20221118.1035" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile";) (:keywords "project" "convenience") 
(:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev") (:authors ("Bozhidar 
Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.dev")) (:commit . 
"5703797bb2a400e962479e670086aca4241a77b7")) nil))
 (ts #s(package-desc ts (20220822 2313) "Timestamp and date/time library" 
((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (s (1 12 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/ts-20220822.2313" ((:url . 
"http://github.com/alphapapa/ts.el";) (:keywords "calendar" "lisp") (:maintainer 
"Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . 
"adam@alphapapa.net")) (:commit . "552936017cfdec89f7fc20c254ae6b37c3f22c5b")) 
 (magit-popup #s(package-desc magit-popup (20200719 1015) "Define 
prefix-infix-suffix command combos" ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0))) nil nil 
"/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/magit-popup-20200719.1015" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/magit-popup";) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . 
"jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) 
(:keywords "bindings") (:commit . "d8585fa39f88956963d877b921322530257ba9f5")) 
 (magit-section #s(package-desc magit-section (20220929 1014) "Sections for 
read-only buffers." ((emacs (25 1)) (compat (28 1 1 2)) (dash (20210826))) nil 
nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/magit-section-20220929.1014" ((:url . 
"https://github.com/magit/magit";) (:keywords "tools") (:maintainer "Jonas 
Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . 
"jonas@bernoul.li")) (:commit . "cfe5a1260bf19191adab837e90acc1004529a0c9")) 
 (s #s(package-desc s (20220902 1511) "The long lost Emacs string manipulation 
library." nil nil nil "/home/feng/.emacs.d/elpa-29/s-20220902.1511" ((:keywords 
"strings") (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com") (:authors 
("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:commit . 
"b4b8c03fcef316a27f75633fe4bb990aeff6e705")) nil)))

> Feng Shu <tumashu@163.com> writes:
>> After I install popon and corfu-terminal, and reboot emacs.
>> package-update show nothing, but package-vc-update-all works, after
>> package-vc-update-all finish, package-update will show popon and 
>> corfu-terminal.
> Feng Shu <tumashu@163.com> writes:
>> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>> By the way, what does "Done updating packages." mean?
>> Do it mean package has been updated or package is updating?
> You mean the message printed out at the end of `package-vc-update-all'?
> That means that all packages have /been/ updated.  I also just noticed,
> that it is printed out unconditionally, even if no VC packages have been
> updated (because non are installed).


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