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bug#57196: 28.1.90; An idea to allow background (low-priority) threads

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: bug#57196: 28.1.90; An idea to allow background (low-priority) threads
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2022 15:57:37 +0800

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

> Our "scheduler", such as it is, is in thread.c:really_call_select.  It
> basically releases the global lock and lets the first thread waiting
> on the lock to acquire the lock.  If someone wants to implement a
> smarter lock-grabbing logic with some kind of "nice" capability, AFAIU
> that's the place to look and modify.

Do I understand correctly that thread.c:really_call_select simply relies
on pthread itself to select the next thread?

Then, a simple pthread_setschedparam inside
systhread.c:sys_thread_create may do the job given that we pass an extra
optional parameter to make-thread.

> TBH, I'm not really sure your analysis, which basically says this is a
> problem with thread "equality", is correct.  Did you try to see what
> causes the sluggish operation in the cases where you saw it?

I once tried to write some code for async magit status buffer and for
async agenda generation.

I am not sure how I can properly determine the cause of sluggish
operation, but AFAIU the cause was the following:

1. There is main thread and the magit/agenda thread
2. Magit/agenda thread uses a lot of CPU while the main thread is not (I
   was typing/navigating the buffer)
3. Every keypress in the main thread caused thread switch to the
   CPU-hungry magit/agenda thread
4. Frequent switches caused high typing latency because every single key
   stroke in the main thread had to wait until the magit/agenda yields.

>> I imagine that something similar could be done for threads.
>> `make-thread' could allow some kind of priority setting that will limit
>> its execution time to comfortable levels, so that the user in main
>> thread can actually interact with Emacs without noticing anything.
> What mechanism will stop the running thread that has exceeded its
> allotted time?  In the current implementation, the thread stops itself
> when it calls a small set of primitives, but with your proposal we'd
> need to make the "scheduler" run in a separate thread, which would
> mean a complete redesign of how threads are scheduled.

I do not suggest to stop the running thread externally.

Instead, we may accumulate the thread execution time. Let's call this
"thread 1".

Then, every time the _other_ running thread yields (stops itself) and
"thread 1" is about to be called, we do the following:
1. If "thread 1" execution time is less than "duration" thread
   property, run the thread.
2. If "thread 1" execution time is more than "duration", skip running
   the thread remembering the time now (pause time).
3. If "thread 1" execution time is more than "duration" and "pause time"
   was more than "break time" thread property ago, set execution time to
   0 and allow the thread to be running.

"idle-time" may also be used, pausing thread until that much idle-time

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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