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bug#47711: 27.1; Deferred highlighting support in `completion-all-comple

From: Daniel Mendler
Subject: bug#47711: 27.1; Deferred highlighting support in `completion-all-completions', `vertico--all-completions`
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 22:51:14 +0200

Emacs is lacking a possibility to defer the completion highlighting when
computing completions via `completion-all-completions'. This feature is
important for the performance of completion UIs when the set of all
completions is much larger than the set of completions which are

The Vertico package defers highlighting by modifying the
`completion*-hilit-*' function with advices.

(declare-function orderless-highlight-matches "ext:orderless")
(defun vertico--all-completions (&rest args)
  "Compute all completions for ARGS with deferred highlighting."
(cl-letf* ((orig-pcm (symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality)) (orig-flex (symbol-function #'completion-flex-all-completions))
             ((symbol-function #'completion-flex-all-completions)
              (lambda (&rest args)
;; Unfortunately for flex we have to undo the deferred highlighting, since flex uses ;; the completion-score for sorting, which is applied during highlighting. (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality) orig-pcm))
                  (apply orig-flex args))))
             ;; Defer the following highlighting functions
             (hl #'identity)
             ((symbol-function #'completion-hilit-commonality)
              (lambda (cands prefix &optional base)
(setq hl (lambda (x) (nconc (completion-hilit-commonality x prefix base) nil)))
                (and cands (nconc cands base))))
             ((symbol-function #'completion-pcm--hilit-commonality)
              (lambda (pattern cands)
(setq hl (lambda (x) (completion-pcm--hilit-commonality pattern x)))
             ((symbol-function #'orderless-highlight-matches)
              (lambda (pattern cands)
(setq hl (lambda (x) (orderless-highlight-matches pattern x)))
    (cons (apply #'completion-all-completions args) hl)))

This function `vertico--all-completions` returns the list of completions and a highlighting
function which can then be used to highlight the completions on the fly.
It is a prototype of how some improved functionality in Emacs could look like.

(completion-all-completions STRING TABLE PRED POINT &optional METADATA DEFER-HL)


(completion-all-completions-defer-hl STRING TABLE PRED POINT &optional METADATA)

If DEFER-HL=t, then the function returns the completions and a
highlighting function. One may consider returning a triple of base,
completions and highlighting functions. Internally the completion styles
should be adapted such that they support the deferred highlighting.

It could be that this feature becomes less needed with the introduction
of gccemacs in the future.

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