[profiler-profile "24.3" cpu #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ([sit-for execute-extended-command funcall-interactively call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 1 [progn while let* c-pps-to-string-delim progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall] 1212 [setq cond progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond] 1 [c-pps-to-string-delim progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#" mapc if] 2 [unwind-protect let save-excursion cond progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn] 1 [remove-text-properties progn if while let c-clear-char-property-with-value-on-char-function progn if let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-before-change funcall "#" mapc] 1 [progn while let* c-pps-to-string-delim cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#" mapc if save-excursion progn] 3 [progn and while progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#"] 2 [setq progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let*] 1 [progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let* progn] 1 [setq while progn if let save-restriction save-excursion c-parse-ps-state-below setq progn if let* progn unwind-protect let save-restriction] 2 [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 2 [set-match-data unwind-protect let progn if save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn unwind-protect let save-excursion cond] 1 [let if c-invalidate-state-cache-1 if c-invalidate-state-cache cond while save-restriction let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-after-change funcall "#" mapc] 2 [if if while let* progn unwind-protect let* if c-after-change-mark-abnormal-strings funcall "#" mapc save-excursion progn unwind-protect progn] 5 [goto-char let* c-pps-to-string-delim progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#"] 1 [if progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let*] 4 [and if progn while progn unwind-protect let progn if save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn] 2 [if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn unwind-protect let save-excursion cond progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward] 2 [save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn unwind-protect let save-excursion cond progn and while condition-case let] 2 [let and if save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn unwind-protect let save-excursion cond progn and] 2 [cond progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let*] 1 [and if let c-backward-sws c-determine-limit-get-base let* save-excursion c-determine-limit setq if let c-fl-decl-start or setq if c-change-expand-fl-region] 1 [let* c-pps-to-string-delim progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#" mapc] 1 [assq cdr looking-at if if while let* progn unwind-protect let* if c-after-change-mark-abnormal-strings funcall "#" mapc save-excursion] 1 [let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall] 1 [setq c-truncate-lit-pos-cache c-clear-syn-tab progn and while progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let*] 1 [c-clear-syn-tab if progn while let* c-pps-to-string-delim progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let*] 2 [char-before eq while progn while progn unwind-protect let progn if save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro] 1 [c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond let* progn unwind-protect let* c-before-change-check-unbalanced-strings funcall "#"] 2 [setq c-truncate-lit-pos-cache c-invalidate-state-cache-1 if c-invalidate-state-cache cond while save-restriction let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-after-change funcall "#" mapc] 1 [and while save-restriction let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-after-change funcall "#" mapc save-excursion progn unwind-protect progn unwind-protect] 1 [not save-excursion cond while save-restriction let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-after-change funcall "#" mapc save-excursion progn unwind-protect] 1 [setq progn while progn and while let* progn unwind-protect let* if c-after-change-mark-abnormal-strings funcall "#" mapc save-excursion] 1 [c-truncate-lit-pos-cache c-invalidate-state-cache-1 if c-invalidate-state-cache cond while save-restriction let* progn unwind-protect let* c-parse-quotes-after-change funcall "#" mapc save-excursion] 1 [save-excursion cond progn and while condition-case let c-syntactic-re-search-forward and while progn and while progn if cond] 1 [unwind-protect let and if save-restriction if progn if let c-beginning-of-macro progn unwind-protect let save-excursion cond progn] 1 [while let* progn unwind-protect let* if c-after-change-mark-abnormal-strings funcall "#" mapc save-excursion progn unwind-protect progn unwind-protect let] 1 [completing-read-default completing-read read-extended-command byte-code call-interactively command-execute nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] 4 [Automatic\ GC] 73)) (24431 13704 63591 401000) nil]