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bug#41691: [PATCH] Add bookmark-jump-other-tab

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: bug#41691: [PATCH] Add bookmark-jump-other-tab
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2020 02:34:23 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

>> Personally I hope that every "-other-window" command doesn't get an
>> "-other-tab" counterpart (to go along with "-other-frame"), but rather
>> that a single systematic method is developed, like the elpa.gnu.org
>> package other-frame-window. Ref eg
>> https://lists.gnu.org/r/emacs-devel/2019-10/msg00261.html
>> (AFAICS nothing has been implemented)
> Actually, this is already implemented, but without an obvious keybinding.
> This small patch binds a general command to 'C-x t t' (or maybe a better
> key would be 'C-x t w').
> Then after typing 'C-x t t' as a prefix key sequence,
> the next command will display its buffer in a new tab:
> @@ -1585,6 +1585,7 @@ tab-prefix-map
>  (define-key tab-prefix-map "b" 'switch-to-buffer-other-tab)
>  (define-key tab-prefix-map "f" 'find-file-other-tab)
>  (define-key tab-prefix-map "\C-f" 'find-file-other-tab)
> +(define-key tab-prefix-map "t" 'windmove-display-new-tab)

I see that using windmove-display-new-tab in tab-bar.el is inappropriate,
so here is refactoring:

diff --git a/lisp/tab-bar.el b/lisp/tab-bar.el
index 76e7f8c33a..dd9d520ed9 100644
--- a/lisp/tab-bar.el
+++ b/lisp/tab-bar.el
@@ -1575,6 +1575,21 @@ find-file-other-tab
       (switch-to-buffer-other-tab value))))
+(defun other-tab-prefix ()
+  "Display the next buffer in a new tab.
+The next buffer is the buffer displayed by the next command invoked
+immediately after this command (ignoring reading from the minibuffer).
+Creates a new tab before displaying the buffer.
+When `switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions' is non-nil,
+`switch-to-buffer' commands are also supported."
+  (interactive)
+  (display-buffer-override-next-command
+   (lambda (buffer alist)
+     (cons (let ((tab-bar-new-tab-choice t))
+             (tab-bar-new-tab)
+             (selected-window))
+           'tab))))
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "2" 'tab-new)
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "1" 'tab-close-other)
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "0" 'tab-close)
@@ -1585,6 +1600,7 @@ tab-prefix-map
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "b" 'switch-to-buffer-other-tab)
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "f" 'find-file-other-tab)
 (define-key tab-prefix-map "\C-f" 'find-file-other-tab)
+(define-key tab-prefix-map "t" 'other-tab-prefix)
 (provide 'tab-bar)
diff --git a/lisp/window.el b/lisp/window.el
index d658cb81f6..3f851c86f4 100644
--- a/lisp/window.el
+++ b/lisp/window.el
@@ -10069,6 +10069,46 @@ window--adjust-process-windows
                 (set-process-window-size process (cdr size) (car size))))))))))
 (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'window--adjust-process-windows)
+(defun display-buffer-override-next-command (action-function &optional 
+  "Override `display-buffer-overriding-action' for the next command.
+`action-function' is called to prepare the window where the buffer should
+be displayed.  This function takes two arguments `buffer' and `alist', and
+should return a cons with the displayed window and type.  See argument
+meaning in `window--display-buffer'.  `exit-function' is called after the
+buffer is displayed in the window.  The function takes one argument `window'."
+  (let* ((new-window)
+         (minibuffer-depth (minibuffer-depth))
+         (action (lambda (buffer alist)
+                   (unless (> (minibuffer-depth) minibuffer-depth)
+                     (let* ((ret (funcall action-function buffer alist))
+                            (window (car ret))
+                            (type (cdr ret)))
+                       (setq new-window (window--display-buffer buffer window
+                                                                type 
+         (command this-command)
+         (clearfun (make-symbol "clear-display-buffer-overriding-action"))
+         (exitfun
+          (lambda ()
+            (setq display-buffer-overriding-action
+                  (delq action display-buffer-overriding-action))
+            (when (functionp exit-function)
+              (funcall exit-function new-window))
+            (remove-hook 'post-command-hook clearfun))))
+    (fset clearfun
+          (lambda ()
+            (unless (or
+                    ;; Remove the hook immediately
+                    ;; after exiting the minibuffer.
+                    (> (minibuffer-depth) minibuffer-depth)
+                    ;; But don't remove immediately after
+                    ;; adding the hook by the same command below.
+                    (eq this-command command))
+              (funcall exitfun))))
+    (add-hook 'post-command-hook clearfun)
+    (push action display-buffer-overriding-action)))
 ;; Some of these are in tutorial--default-keys, so update that if you
 ;; change these.
diff --git a/lisp/windmove.el b/lisp/windmove.el
index f96383197b..38e3fee83a 100644
--- a/lisp/windmove.el
+++ b/lisp/windmove.el
@@ -462,59 +462,38 @@ windmove-display-in-direction
 When `switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions' is non-nil,
 `switch-to-buffer' commands are also supported."
   (let* ((no-select (xor (consp arg) windmove-display-no-select))
-         (old-window (or (minibuffer-selected-window) (selected-window)))
-         (new-window)
-         (minibuffer-depth (minibuffer-depth))
-         (action (lambda (buffer alist)
-                   (unless (> (minibuffer-depth) minibuffer-depth)
-                     (let* ((type 'reuse)
-                            (window (cond
-                                     ((eq dir 'new-tab)
-                                      (let ((tab-bar-new-tab-choice t))
-                                        (tab-bar-new-tab))
-                                      (setq type 'tab)
-                                      (selected-window))
-                                     ((eq dir 'new-frame)
-                                      (let* ((params (cdr (assq 
'pop-up-frame-parameters alist)))
-                                             (pop-up-frame-alist (append 
params pop-up-frame-alist))
-                                             (frame 
-                                                     pop-up-frame-alist)))
-                                        (unless (cdr (assq 
'inhibit-switch-frame alist))
-                                         (window--maybe-raise-frame frame))
-                                        (setq type 'frame)
-                                        (frame-selected-window frame)))
-                                     ((eq dir 'same-window)
-                                      (selected-window))
-                                     (t (window-in-direction
-                                         dir nil nil
-                                         (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
-                                         windmove-wrap-around)))))
-                       (unless window
-                         (setq window (split-window nil nil dir) type 'window))
-                       (setq new-window (window--display-buffer buffer window
-                                                                type 
-         (command this-command)
-         (clearfun (make-symbol "clear-display-buffer-overriding-action"))
-         (exitfun
-          (lambda ()
-            (setq display-buffer-overriding-action
-                  (delq action display-buffer-overriding-action))
-            (when (window-live-p (if no-select old-window new-window))
-              (select-window (if no-select old-window new-window)))
-            (remove-hook 'post-command-hook clearfun))))
-    (fset clearfun
-          (lambda ()
-            (unless (or
-                    ;; Remove the hook immediately
-                    ;; after exiting the minibuffer.
-                    (> (minibuffer-depth) minibuffer-depth)
-                    ;; But don't remove immediately after
-                    ;; adding the hook by the same command below.
-                    (eq this-command command))
-              (funcall exitfun))))
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook clearfun)
-    (push action display-buffer-overriding-action)
-    (message "[display-%s]" dir)))
+         (old-window (or (minibuffer-selected-window) (selected-window))))
+    (display-buffer-override-next-command
+     (lambda (buffer alist)
+       (let* ((type 'reuse)
+              (window (cond
+                       ((eq dir 'new-tab)
+                        (let ((tab-bar-new-tab-choice t))
+                          (tab-bar-new-tab))
+                        (setq type 'tab)
+                        (selected-window))
+                       ((eq dir 'new-frame)
+                        (let* ((params (cdr (assq 'pop-up-frame-parameters 
+                               (pop-up-frame-alist (append params 
+                               (frame (make-frame-on-current-monitor
+                                       pop-up-frame-alist)))
+                          (unless (cdr (assq 'inhibit-switch-frame alist))
+                           (window--maybe-raise-frame frame))
+                          (setq type 'frame)
+                          (frame-selected-window frame)))
+                       ((eq dir 'same-window)
+                        (selected-window))
+                       (t (window-in-direction
+                           dir nil nil
+                           (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+                           windmove-wrap-around)))))
+         (unless window
+           (setq window (split-window nil nil dir) type 'window))
+         (cons window type)))
+     (lambda (new-window)
+       (when (window-live-p (if no-select old-window new-window))
+         (select-window (if no-select old-window new-window))))))
+  (message "[display-%s]" dir))
 (defun windmove-display-left (&optional arg)

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