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bug#4814: keyboard and system bug with Emacs CVS current through 2009-10

From: Stefan Kangas
Subject: bug#4814: keyboard and system bug with Emacs CVS current through 2009-10-15 on w32
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 21:20:14 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Kangas <stefan@marxist.se> writes:

> MON KEY <monkey@sandpframing.com> writes:
>> Emacs from CVS current through 2009-10-15 is not correctly interacting
>> with my system - WinXP Service Pack 3.
>> There is a low level conflict somewhere related to Emacs'
>> keyboard/server interaction with the rest of the system.
>> Specifically, I am experiencing a bug wherein the application Xkeymacs
>> Version 3.47 :SEE (URL `http://www.cam.hi-ho.ne.jp/oishi/indexen.html')
>> is no longer able to recognize Emacs application/process nor can it
>> override Emacs system level interface w/ keyboard.
>> The current failure has not occurred with _any_ previous Emacs
>> distributions/builds in the past. Nor have I experienced a conflict of
>> this sort vis a vis Xkeymacs and _any_ other application. This is
>> happening on the Emacs side. Lennart and I have already verified that
>> the bug has been introduced by his build/compilation.
>> I'm including the config data from the three separate builds - two
>> verified working one not-working. The only difference that I see are the
>> compiler and flags. These flags shouldn't affect what is happening w/re
>> to the way keyboard interaction is failing for the emacsen's interaction
>> with the rest of the system. The proof is that I have never had this
>> problem before w/ Emacs or _any_ other application on this machine.
>> Emacs 23.1.1 of 2009-07-30 on SOFT-MJASON                    <- WORKS
>> Emacs of 2009-06-30 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched)   <- WORKS
>> Emacs of 2009-10-15 on LENNART-69DE564 (unpatched) <- FAILS
>> Emacs of 2009-10-13 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched)   <- FAILS
> This bug was reported 10 years ago.  Are you still seeing this on a
> modern version of Emacs?

More information was requested, but none was given within 11 weeks, so
I'm closing this bug.  If this is still an issue, please reply to this
email (use "Reply to all" in your email client) and we can reopen the
bug report.

Best regards,
Stefan Kangas

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