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bug#38330: 27.0.50; cursor vanishes at EOL with :extend t under certain

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#38330: 27.0.50; cursor vanishes at EOL with :extend t under certain conditions
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2019 12:45:13 +0200

> From: Ingo Lohmar <ingo.lohmar@posteo.net>
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 23:16:48 +0100
> * test
> #+BEGIN_SRC sh
> end
> - In the *scratch* buffer, adjust the org-block face as follows:
> (face-spec-set 'org-block '((t :background "grey80" :extend t)))
> - Placing the cursor at EOL (after "end") in the code-block line, it
>   should remain visible (as expected).
> - In the org-mode buffer, "M-x org-indent-mode" (which, I think, works
>   by setting the `line-prefix' property).  Now, the cursor in the code
>   block line becomes invisible at EOL.
> The relevant ingredients are the :extend property, a background face
> (presumably because we need a face attribute that is actually
> extendable), and org-indent-mode (I suppose for the `line-prefix'
> property).

Thanks, should be fixed now.

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