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bug#38034: 26.3; wrong-type-argument plistp "" (org-caldav, url-dav)

From: Nuno Pedrosa
Subject: bug#38034: 26.3; wrong-type-argument plistp "" (org-caldav, url-dav)
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2019 17:22:57 +0000

Getting the following error while syncing a list of calendars with a remote 
Nextcloud server.

This bug was also reported in the org-caldav repository, by several of its 
users: https://github.com/dengste/org-caldav/issues/189

Looks like an issue with url-dav.

Thanks in advance!

~~~~~ Emacs configuration (org-caldav) below ~~~~~

(setq org-caldav-url "https://remote-server/remote.php/dav/calendars/username";
      org-caldav-sync-todo 'all
      org-icalendar-timezone "Europe/Lisbon"
      org-caldav-todo-priority '((0 nil) (1 "A") (5 "B") (9 "C"))
      org-caldav-todo-percent-states '((0 "TODO") (1 "STARTED") (100 "DONE"))
      org-caldav-todo-deadline-schedule-warning-days t
      '((:calendar-id "some-calendar-1" :files 
              :inbox "~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-1-inbox.org")
    (:calendar-id "some-calendar-2" :files 
              :inbox "~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-2-inbox.org")
    (:calendar-id "some-calendar-3" :files 
              :inbox "~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-3-inbox.org")
    (:calendar-id "some-calendar-4" :files 
              :inbox "~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-4-inbox.org")
    (:calendar-id "some-calendar-5" :files 
              :inbox "~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-5-inbox.org")))

~~~~~ org-caldav-debug below ~~~~~

========== Started sync.
Syncing first calendar entry:
(:calendar-id "candidaturas" :files 
("~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-1.org") :inbox 
Check connection for 
Generating ICS file /tmp/org-caldav-OgM5TC.
=== Updating EventDB from Org
Org UID 319ffda6-e449-463d-836d-aad3425e3366: Synced
Org UID 460e2a69-fecc-4819-b4ba-d4f14a985c5e: Synced
Org UID 2c4860ff-ea03-4cfb-9eb6-581f475dcc15: Synced
Org UID 85862499-0e79-4c63-9b43-ecf85f99f7dd: Synced
Org UID d910cb09-8327-4bc9-afa1-7112b5bb0940: Synced
=== Updating EventDB from Cal
Cal UID 319ffda6-e449-463d-836d-aad3425e3366: Deleted in Cal
Cal UID 460e2a69-fecc-4819-b4ba-d4f14a985c5e: Deleted in Cal
Cal UID 85862499-0e79-4c63-9b43-ecf85f99f7dd: Deleted in Cal
Cal UID d910cb09-8327-4bc9-afa1-7112b5bb0940: Deleted in Cal
=== Updating events in calendar
=== Updating events in Org
Syncing first calendar entry:
(:calendar-id "some-calendar-2" :files 
("~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-2.org") :inbox 
Check connection for 
This is an empty calendar. Setting flag.
Generating ICS file /tmp/org-caldav-n0ibO3.
=== Updating EventDB from Org
=== Updating EventDB from Cal
=== Updating events in calendar
=== Updating events in Org
Syncing first calendar entry:
(:calendar-id "some-calendar-3" :files 
("~/Documents/Calendars/some-calendar-3.org") :inbox 
Check connection for 
Got error while checking connection (will try again):
(wrong-type-argument plistp "")
Check connection for 
Got error while checking connection (will try again):
(wrong-type-argument plistp "")
Check connection for 
Got error while checking connection (will try again):
(wrong-type-argument plistp "")
Check connection for 
Got error while checking connection (will try again):
(wrong-type-argument plistp "")
Check connection for 
Check connection for 


In GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-solus-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.11)
 of 2019-10-05
Windowing system distributor `The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12005000
System Description: Solus

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