> And according to the table you show, those menu problems are resolved
> in a later version of GTK+, is that right?
I believe so, CentOS 7 still has menu issues.
& I did see other oddness - but still definitely better with inhibit-double-buffering
loading with init.el that only contains:
modify-frame-parameters nil '((inhibit-double-buffering . t)))
emacs -q -l ./init.el
CentOS7, gtk: 2.24.31, gtk3: 3.22.10
| emacs | VcXsrv |
| 25.3 gtk2 | ok |
| 25.3 gtk3 | ok, no emacs logo, menus no show |
| 26.1 gtk2 | ok |
| 26.1 gtk3 | ok, no emacs logo, menus no show |
OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 , gtk2: 2.24.31, gtk3: 3.22.10
| emacs | VcXsrv |
| 25.3 gtk2 | ok |
| 25.3 gtk3 | ok, but no emacs logo (1) |
| 26.1 gtk2 | ok |
| 26.1 gtk3 | ok, but no emacs logo (1) |
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, gtk2: 2.24.32, gtk3: 3.22.29
| emacs | VcXsrv |
| 25.3 gtk2 | ok |
| 25.3 gtk3 | ok, but no emacs logo (2) |
| 26.1 gtk2 | ok |
| 26.1 gtk3 | ok, but no emacs logo (2) |(1) "About GNU" launches external browser when in ssh
remote session. But "M-x eww
gnu.org" will display in eww mode.
Additionally, local emacs session uses Eww mode for the about pages, and
displays emacs logo.
(2) "About GNU" launches non-emacs text editor of .html when in ssh
remote session. But "M-x eww
gnu.org" will display in eww mode.
Additionally, local emacs session does use Eww mode for About GNU.
but also opens the .html into non-emacs text editor (gedit), and does not display emacs logo at startup.