cua-rect-notes.txt 1. Enter the mode BEFORE selecting the rectangle. 2. C-g exits the mode at any time. 3. M-x cua-rectangle-mark-mode 4. Use arrow keys to expand or contract the rectangle dimensions. Or use C-f, C-b, C-n, C-p, for cua-resize-rectangle-right, cua-resize-rectangle-left, cua-resize-rectangle-up, cua-resize-rectangle-down. + cua-resize-rectangle-eol - consider mapping this to C-e [DONE] + cua-resize-rectangle-bol - consider mapping this to C-a [DONE] + cua-resize-rectangle-bot - already mapped to M-> + cua-resize-rectangle-top - already mapped to M-< + These two functions behaved unexpectedly. They extend the rectangle only vertically, not horizontally, so maybe they should be renamed or have their docstring edied to indicate something like "first/last line". + no issues with these; just noting their presence: + cua-resize-rectangle-page-up M-v + cua-resize-rectangle-page-down C-v 5. Mouse support - not evaluated. 6. Other navigation keys seem to be ignored for the purpose of selecting the cua-rectangle, even though they will move POINT. For example: C-a, C-e was shown to move point, but upon the next cua-rectangle naviigatiaa?on keystroke, POINT returned to its prior corner position. 7. Use the ENTER key, as needed, to toggle POINT amongst the rectangle's current corners in numeric POINT order (ie. for LTR languages, upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, lower-right). 8. Continue using the arrow keys, as needed, to expand or contract the rectangle dimensions. 9. One can recall the most recently selected rectangle, but only by returning POINT to its last selected corner, and then re-entering the mode. 10. cua-help-for-rectangle is currently bound to C-?, which is a pain for emacs-nox users. Remapped to M-?. 11. This mode does not seem to work for rtl (tested UTF-8 Hebrew)