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bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-se
Barry OReilly
bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Thu, 2 Jul 2015 01:23:47 +0000 (UTC)
Thank you. I believe you and Ted. Closing is right.
On Wednesday, July 1, 2015 9:46 AM, Artur Malabarba <bruce.connor.am@gmail.com> wrote:
> AM> Great! Closing then.
> I'd have waited for Barry's confirmation since he was the OP but I guess
> he can reopen it.
Sorry. On my client it looked like your message had started the thread. I should have read it more carefully.
Barry, is it fixed for you?
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bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Ted Zlatanov
bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Artur Malabarba
bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Ted Zlatanov
bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Artur Malabarba
bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
Barry OReilly
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bug#20855: Emacs wipes out custom-set-variables while setting package-selected-packages for the first time
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