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bug#20445: excessive redisplay / echo area resizing during byte-compilat

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: bug#20445: excessive redisplay / echo area resizing during byte-compilation
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 15:19:43 +0100

>> It would be nice to not bother the user with warnings that are not his
>> fault. All it would take is a global var to prevent the compilation window
>> popping up. (maybe this exists already and I don't know).
> Where and how does the compilation window get popped up?  If it's via
> `display-buffer' we could try using an allow-no-window alist entry.

Yeah, I was doing that just now. :-) But I just found an easier way
(let ((warning-minimum-level :error)) ...).

In any case, I'll revert the messaging changes to byte-comp which
started this discussion.

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