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bug#19171: 25.0.50; vc-directory-exclusion-list contiains (\, ".svn")

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: bug#19171: 25.0.50; vc-directory-exclusion-list contiains (\, ".svn")
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 15:50:19 -0500

comma in vc-directory-exclusion-list (emacs -Q)
("SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" "MCVS" ".src" (\, ".svn") ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" 
"_darcs" "{arch}")

causes this error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function \,)
  funcall(\, "/Users/sds/src/magnetic/research/")
  (and (funcall (car ignore) dir) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" (cdr 
  (cond ((stringp ignore) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" ignore))) ((consp 
ignore) (and (funcall (car ignore) dir) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" (cdr 
  (closure ((confirm) (dir . "/Users/sds/src/magnetic/research/") (files . 
"*.pig") (regexp . "\"") grep-use-compilation-buffer t) (ignore) (cond 
((stringp ignore) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" ignore))) ((consp ignore) 
(and (funcall (car ignore) dir) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" (cdr 
ignore)))))))((\, ".svn"))
  mapconcat((closure ((confirm) (dir . "/Users/sds/src/magnetic/research/") 
(files . "*.pig") (regexp . "\"") grep-use-compilation-buffer t) (ignore) (cond 
((stringp ignore) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" ignore))) ((consp ignore) 
(and (funcall (car ignore) dir) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" (cdr 
ignore))))))) ((clisp-repo-p . "build*") "attic" "junk" "SCCS" "RCS" "CVS" 
"MCVS" ".src" (\, ".svn") ".git" ".hg" ".bzr" "_MTN" "_darcs" "{arch}") " -o 
-path ")
  (concat "-type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " -path " (mapconcat (function 
(lambda (ignore) (cond ((stringp ignore) (shell-quote-argument (concat "*/" 
ignore))) ((consp ignore) (and (funcall ... dir) (shell-quote-argument 
...)))))) grep-find-ignored-directories " -o -path ") " " (shell-quote-argument 
")") " -prune -o ")
  (and grep-find-ignored-directories (concat "-type d " (shell-quote-argument 
"(") " -path " (mapconcat (function (lambda (ignore) (cond ((stringp ignore) 
(shell-quote-argument ...)) ((consp ignore) (and ... ...))))) 
grep-find-ignored-directories " -o -path ") " " (shell-quote-argument ")") " 
-prune -o "))
  (concat (and grep-find-ignored-directories (concat "-type d " 
(shell-quote-argument "(") " -path " (mapconcat (function (lambda (ignore) 
(cond (... ...) (... ...)))) grep-find-ignored-directories " -o -path ") " " 
(shell-quote-argument ")") " -prune -o ")) (and grep-find-ignored-files (concat 
(shell-quote-argument "!") " -type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " -name " 
(mapconcat (function (lambda (ignore) (cond (... ...) (... ...)))) 
grep-find-ignored-files " -o -name ") " " (shell-quote-argument ")") " -prune 
-o ")))
  (grep-expand-template grep-find-template regexp (concat (shell-quote-argument 
"(") " " find-name-arg " " (mapconcat (function shell-quote-argument) 
(split-string files) (concat " -o " find-name-arg " ")) " " 
(shell-quote-argument ")")) dir (concat (and grep-find-ignored-directories 
(concat "-type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " -path " (mapconcat (function 
(lambda (ignore) (cond ... ...))) grep-find-ignored-directories " -o -path ") " 
" (shell-quote-argument ")") " -prune -o ")) (and grep-find-ignored-files 
(concat (shell-quote-argument "!") " -type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " 
-name " (mapconcat (function (lambda (ignore) (cond ... ...))) 
grep-find-ignored-files " -o -name ") " " (shell-quote-argument ")") " -prune 
-o "))))
  (let ((command (grep-expand-template grep-find-template regexp (concat 
(shell-quote-argument "(") " " find-name-arg " " (mapconcat (function 
shell-quote-argument) (split-string files) (concat " -o " find-name-arg " ")) " 
" (shell-quote-argument ")")) dir (concat (and grep-find-ignored-directories 
(concat "-type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " -path " (mapconcat ... 
grep-find-ignored-directories " -o -path ") " " (shell-quote-argument ")") " 
-prune -o ")) (and grep-find-ignored-files (concat (shell-quote-argument "!") " 
-type d " (shell-quote-argument "(") " -name " (mapconcat ... 
grep-find-ignored-files " -o -name ") " " (shell-quote-argument ")") " -prune 
-o ")))))) (if command (progn (if confirm (setq command (read-from-minibuffer 
"Confirm: " command nil nil (quote grep-find-history))) (add-to-history (quote 
grep-find-history) command)) (let ((default-directory dir)) (compilation-start 
command (quote grep-mode))) (if (eq next-error-last-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(setq default-directory dir)))))
  (if (null files) (if (not (string= regexp (if (consp grep-find-command) (car 
grep-find-command) grep-find-command))) (compilation-start regexp (quote 
grep-mode))) (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir))) 
(require (quote find-dired)) (let ((command (grep-expand-template 
grep-find-template regexp (concat (shell-quote-argument "(") " " find-name-arg 
" " (mapconcat (function shell-quote-argument) (split-string files) (concat " 
-o " find-name-arg " ")) " " (shell-quote-argument ")")) dir (concat (and 
grep-find-ignored-directories (concat "-type d " ... " -path " ... " " ... " 
-prune -o ")) (and grep-find-ignored-files (concat ... " -type d " ... " -name 
" ... " " ... " -prune -o ")))))) (if command (progn (if confirm (setq command 
(read-from-minibuffer "Confirm: " command nil nil (quote grep-find-history))) 
(add-to-history (quote grep-find-history) command)) (let ((default-directory 
dir)) (compilation-start command (quote grep-mode))) (if (eq 
next-error-last-buffer (current-buffer)) (setq default-directory dir))))))
  (progn (if (and dir (file-accessible-directory-p dir)) nil (setq dir 
default-directory)) (if (null files) (if (not (string= regexp (if (consp 
grep-find-command) (car grep-find-command) grep-find-command))) 
(compilation-start regexp (quote grep-mode))) (setq dir (file-name-as-directory 
(expand-file-name dir))) (require (quote find-dired)) (let ((command 
(grep-expand-template grep-find-template regexp (concat (shell-quote-argument 
"(") " " find-name-arg " " (mapconcat ... ... ...) " " (shell-quote-argument 
")")) dir (concat (and grep-find-ignored-directories ...) (and 
grep-find-ignored-files ...))))) (if command (progn (if confirm (setq command 
(read-from-minibuffer "Confirm: " command nil nil ...)) (add-to-history (quote 
grep-find-history) command)) (let ((default-directory dir)) (compilation-start 
command (quote grep-mode))) (if (eq next-error-last-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(setq default-directory dir)))))))
  (if (and (stringp regexp) (> (length regexp) 0)) (progn (if (and dir 
(file-accessible-directory-p dir)) nil (setq dir default-directory)) (if (null 
files) (if (not (string= regexp (if (consp grep-find-command) (car 
grep-find-command) grep-find-command))) (compilation-start regexp (quote 
grep-mode))) (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir))) 
(require (quote find-dired)) (let ((command (grep-expand-template 
grep-find-template regexp (concat ... " " find-name-arg " " ... " " ...) dir 
(concat ... ...)))) (if command (progn (if confirm (setq command ...) 
(add-to-history ... command)) (let (...) (compilation-start command ...)) (if 
(eq next-error-last-buffer ...) (setq default-directory dir))))))))
  rgrep("\"" "*.pig" "~/src/magnetic/research/" nil)
  funcall-interactively(rgrep "\"" "*.pig" "~/src/magnetic/research/" nil)
  apply(funcall-interactively rgrep ("\"" "*.pig" "~/src/magnetic/research/" 
  funcall-interactively(repeat-complex-command 1)
  call-interactively(repeat-complex-command nil nil)

In GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin14.0.0, NS appkit-1343.16 Version 
10.10.1 (Build 14B25))
 of 2014-11-24 on sds-MacBook-Pro.local
Repository revision: e01ec2ed084776b370e0634120deec6b65424b8a
Windowing system distributor `Apple', version 10.3.1343
Configured using:
 `configure --with-ns'

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on darwin Ns 10.3.1343
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