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bug#13041: 24.2; diacritic-fold-search

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#13041: 24.2; diacritic-fold-search
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2012 18:54:59 +0100

> Yes, you can modify the table set up by uni-decomposition.el.  I
> think.

Seems to work well.  The function I came up with goes as below.

Thanks for the hints, martin

(defun decomposed-string-lessp (string1 string2)
  "Return t if STRING1 is decomposition-less than STRING2."
  (let* ((length1 (length string1))
         (length2 (length string2))
         (min-length (min length1 length2))
         (index1 0)
         (index2 0)
         prop1 prop2 type1 type2 compat1 compat2)
    (catch 'found
      (while (and (< index1 length1) (< index2 length2))
        (setq prop1 (get-char-code-property
                     (downcase (elt string1 index1)) 'decomposition))
        (setq type1 (car prop1))
        (setq prop2 (get-char-code-property
                     (downcase (elt string2 index2)) 'decomposition))
        (setq type2 (car prop2))
         ((and (eq type1 'compat) (eq type2 'compat))
          (setq compat1 (concat (cdr prop1)))
          (setq compat2 (concat (cdr prop2)))
          (let ((value (compare-strings compat1 0 nil compat2 0 nil t)))
             ((eq value t)
              (setq index1 (1+ index1))
              (setq index2 (1+ index2)))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found t))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found nil)))))
         ((eq type1 'compat)
          (setq compat1 (concat (cdr prop1)))
          (let ((value
                  compat1 0 nil
                  string2 index2 (min (+ index2 (length compat1)) length2) t)))
             ((eq value t)
              (setq index1 (1+ index1))
              (setq index2 (+ index2 (length compat1))))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found t))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found nil)))))
         ((eq type2 'compat)
          (setq compat2 (concat (cdr prop2)))
          (let ((value
                  string1 index1 (min (+ index1 (length compat2)) length1)
                  compat2 0 nil t)))
             ((eq value t)
              (setq index1 (+ index1 (length compat2)))
              (setq index2 (1+ index2)))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found t))
             ((< value 0)
              (throw 'found nil)))))
         ((< type1 type2)
          (throw 'found t))
         ((> type1 type2)
          (throw 'found nil))
          (setq index1 (1+ index1))
          (setq index2 (1+ index2)))))
      ;; Shorter is less.
      (< length1 length2))))

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