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bug#12774: RE: bug#12774: 24.2.50; EMACS crashing

From: Vincent Belaïche
Subject: bug#12774: RE: bug#12774: 24.2.50; EMACS crashing
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2012 09:52:02 +0100

> Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 05:46:16 +0200
> From: eliz@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: RE: bug#12774: RE: bug#12774: 24.2.50; EMACS crashing‏
> To: vincent.b.1@hotmail.fr
> CC: 12774@debbugs.gnu.org
> > From: Vincent Belaïche <vincent.b.1@hotmail.fr>
> > Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 23:24:15 +0100
> > 
> > The crash can happen without my doing anything special previously except 
> > opening that attached file USING_CEDET_FROM_BZR which causes loading 
> > orgmode. Also it seems that it has to do with the size of my init.el file 
> > --- and not only to its content.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > For instance there was in my init file some doit-1 function definition 
> > (which is some trash code which I wrote for some purpose and I don't need 
> > any longer), here is the definition:
> > 
> > 
> > (defun doit-1 ()
> > (interactive)
> > (save-excursion
> > ; (goto-char (point-min))
> > (while (re-search-forward "--\\|\\." nil t)
> > (when (save-match-data (texmathp))
> > (cond
> > ((string= (match-string 0) "--")
> > (replace-match "-"))
> > ((string= (match-string 0) ".")
> > (unless (looking-back "\\\\right")
> > (replace-match "\\cdot " t t))))))))
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > If I comment out this definition from the init file, then I cannot 
> > re-produce the crash (or at least I could not succeed in doing it, but it 
> > may still be possible), but if I let it, then I can rather easily make the 
> > crash occur. I cannot believe that this function per se is the root cause 
> > of the problem. However the simple fact that its definition takes some 
> > memory space suffices to increase the likelihood the crash when I open that 
> > file.
> Is this doit-1 function actually used somewhere in your init.el or in
> your .emacs? If it is, can you show the code that uses it?

No it is not used anywhere else, this is some leftover trash code...

> > BTW, here is the end of my *Message* buffer when the opening of 
> > USING_CEDET_FROM_BZR does cause any crash, this reflects what should happen 
> > when this file is visited --- the `Loading dired-x...done' is because I 
> > open USING_CEDET_FROM_BZR from a Dired buffer, so what happens is from line 
> > `flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or 
> > `cl-letf'. [2 times]. 
> > 
> > 
> > Loading dired-x...done
> > `flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or 
> > `cl-letf'. [2 times]
> > File mode specification error: (void-function org-mode-p)
> > Loading vc-bzr...done
> Can you turn on debug-on-error and show the Lisp backtrace for these
> messages? Each time a backtrace appears, type "C-]" to get out of the
> debugger and continue to the next error.

For your information, to get the backtrace I had to open directly
USING_CEDET_FROM_BZR without going through Dired, because going through
Dired beforehand increases considerably the risk of trash.

When I did `C-]' I got again and again the same backtrace.

For your information also, I did not get any bracktrace for

 `flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-mode-p)
  (if (org-mode-p) (setq bl nil))
  (while bl (set-buffer (car (prog1 bl (setq bl (cdr bl))))) (if (org-mode-p) 
(setq bl nil)))
  (save-excursion (while bl (set-buffer (car (prog1 bl (setq bl (cdr bl))))) 
(if (org-mode-p) (setq bl nil))) (if (org-mode-p) (progn (easy-menu-change 
(quote ("Org")) "File List for Agenda" (append (list ["Edit File List" 
(org-edit-agenda-file-list) t] ["Add/Move Current File to Front of List" 
org-agenda-file-to-front t] ["Remove Current File from List" org-remove-file t] 
["Cycle through agenda files" org-cycle-agenda-files t] ["Occur in all agenda 
files" org-occur-in-agenda-files t] "--") (mapcar (quote org-file-menu-entry) 
(org-agenda-files t)))))))
  (let ((bl (buffer-list))) (save-excursion (while bl (set-buffer (car (prog1 
bl (setq bl (cdr bl))))) (if (org-mode-p) (setq bl nil))) (if (org-mode-p) 
(progn (easy-menu-change (quote ("Org")) "File List for Agenda" (append (list 
["Edit File List" ... t] ["Add/Move Current File to Front of List" 
org-agenda-file-to-front t] ["Remove Current File from List" org-remove-file t] 
["Cycle through agenda files" org-cycle-agenda-files t] ["Occur in all agenda 
files" org-occur-in-agenda-files t] "--") (mapcar (quote org-file-menu-entry) 
(org-agenda-files t))))))))
  (let ((delay-mode-hooks t)) (outline-mode) (setq major-mode (quote org-mode)) 
(setq mode-name "Org") (progn (if (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)) 
(put (quote org-mode) (quote mode-class) (get (quote outline-mode) (quote 
mode-class)))) (if (keymap-parent org-mode-map) nil (set-keymap-parent 
org-mode-map (current-local-map))) (let ((parent (char-table-parent 
org-mode-syntax-table))) (if (and parent (not (eq parent 
(standard-syntax-table)))) nil (set-char-table-parent org-mode-syntax-table 
(syntax-table)))) (if (or (abbrev-table-get org-mode-abbrev-table :parents) (eq 
org-mode-abbrev-table local-abbrev-table)) nil (abbrev-table-put 
org-mode-abbrev-table :parents (list local-abbrev-table)))) (use-local-map 
org-mode-map) (set-syntax-table org-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table 
org-mode-abbrev-table) (if nil (if (boundp (quote outline-mode-menu-heading)) 
(progn (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-heading) (easy-menu-remove 
outline-mode-menu-show) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-hide))) (define-key 
org-mode-map [menu-bar headings] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map 
[menu-bar hide] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] 
(quote undefined))) (org-load-modules-maybe) (easy-menu-add org-org-menu) 
(easy-menu-add org-tbl-menu) (org-install-agenda-files-menu) (if 
org-descriptive-links (add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-link)))) 
(add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-cwidth))) (add-to-invisibility-spec 
(quote (org-hide-block . t))) (if nil (progn (org-set-local (quote 
line-move-ignore-invisible) t))) (org-set-local (quote outline-regexp) 
org-outline-regexp) (org-set-local (quote outline-level) (quote 
org-outline-level)) (if (and org-ellipsis (fboundp (quote 
set-display-table-slot)) (boundp (quote buffer-display-table)) (fboundp (quote 
make-glyph-code))) (progn (if org-display-table nil (setq org-display-table 
(make-display-table))) (set-display-table-slot org-display-table 4 (vconcat 
(mapcar (function (lambda ... ...)) (if (stringp org-ellipsis) org-ellipsis 
"...")))) (setq buffer-display-table org-display-table))) 
(org-set-regexps-and-options) (if (and org-tag-faces (not 
org-tags-special-faces-re)) (progn (org-set-tag-faces (quote org-tag-faces) 
org-tag-faces))) (org-set-local (quote calc-embedded-open-mode) "# ") 
(modify-syntax-entry 64 "w") (if org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t)) 
(org-set-local (quote font-lock-unfontify-region-function) (quote 
org-unfontify-region)) (org-set-local (quote org-table-may-need-update) t) 
(org-add-hook (quote before-change-functions) (quote 
org-before-change-function) nil (quote local)) (org-add-hook (quote 
kill-buffer-hook) (quote org-check-running-clock) nil (quote local)) 
(org-set-autofill-regexps) (setq indent-line-function (quote 
org-indent-line-function)) (org-update-radio-target-regexp) (org-set-local 
(quote beginning-of-defun-function) (quote org-beginning-of-defun)) 
(org-set-local (quote end-of-defun-function) (quote org-end-of-defun)) 
(org-set-local (quote next-error-function) (quote org-occur-next-match)) (if 
org-enforce-todo-dependencies (add-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) (quote 
org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)) (remove-hook (quote 
org-blocker-hook) (quote org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent))) 
(if org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies (add-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) 
(quote org-block-todo-from-checkboxes)) (remove-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) 
(quote org-block-todo-from-checkboxes))) (org-set-local (quote comment-start) 
"#") (org-set-local (quote comment-padding) " ") (org-set-local (quote 
align-mode-rules-list) (quote ((org-in-buffer-settings (regexp . 
"^#\\+[A-Z_]+:\\(\\s-*\\)\\S-+") (modes quote (org-mode)))))) (org-set-local 
(quote imenu-create-index-function) (quote org-imenu-get-tree)) (if (or nil 
(not (boundp (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function)))) (org-add-hook 
(quote isearch-mode-end-hook) (quote org-isearch-end) (quote append) (quote 
local)) (org-set-local (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function) 
(function (lambda (&rest ignore) (org-show-context (quote isearch)))))) (and 
org-startup-with-beamer-mode (org-beamer-mode 1)) (set (make-local-variable 
(quote pcomplete-command-completion-function)) (quote org-pcomplete-initial)) 
(set (make-local-variable (quote pcomplete-command-name-function)) (quote 
org-command-at-point)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
pcomplete-default-completion-function)) (quote ignore)) (set 
(make-local-variable (quote pcomplete-parse-arguments-function)) (quote 
org-parse-arguments)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
pcomplete-termination-string)) "") (if (and org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file 
(interactive-p) (= (point-min) (point-max))) (insert "#    -*- mode: org 
-*-\n\n")) ...)
  (progn (make-local-variable (quote delay-mode-hooks)) (let ((delay-mode-hooks 
t)) (outline-mode) (setq major-mode (quote org-mode)) (setq mode-name "Org") 
(progn (if (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)) (put (quote org-mode) 
(quote mode-class) (get (quote outline-mode) (quote mode-class)))) (if 
(keymap-parent org-mode-map) nil (set-keymap-parent org-mode-map 
(current-local-map))) (let ((parent (char-table-parent org-mode-syntax-table))) 
(if (and parent (not (eq parent ...))) nil (set-char-table-parent 
org-mode-syntax-table (syntax-table)))) (if (or (abbrev-table-get 
org-mode-abbrev-table :parents) (eq org-mode-abbrev-table local-abbrev-table)) 
nil (abbrev-table-put org-mode-abbrev-table :parents (list 
local-abbrev-table)))) (use-local-map org-mode-map) (set-syntax-table 
org-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table org-mode-abbrev-table) (if nil 
(if (boundp (quote outline-mode-menu-heading)) (progn (easy-menu-remove 
outline-mode-menu-heading) (easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-show) 
(easy-menu-remove outline-mode-menu-hide))) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar 
headings] (quote undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar hide] (quote 
undefined)) (define-key org-mode-map [menu-bar show] (quote undefined))) 
(org-load-modules-maybe) (easy-menu-add org-org-menu) (easy-menu-add 
org-tbl-menu) (org-install-agenda-files-menu) (if org-descriptive-links 
(add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-link)))) (add-to-invisibility-spec (quote 
(org-cwidth))) (add-to-invisibility-spec (quote (org-hide-block . t))) (if nil 
(progn (org-set-local (quote line-move-ignore-invisible) t))) (org-set-local 
(quote outline-regexp) org-outline-regexp) (org-set-local (quote outline-level) 
(quote org-outline-level)) (if (and org-ellipsis (fboundp (quote 
set-display-table-slot)) (boundp (quote buffer-display-table)) (fboundp (quote 
make-glyph-code))) (progn (if org-display-table nil (setq org-display-table 
(make-display-table))) (set-display-table-slot org-display-table 4 (vconcat 
(mapcar (function ...) (if ... org-ellipsis "...")))) (setq 
buffer-display-table org-display-table))) (org-set-regexps-and-options) (if 
(and org-tag-faces (not org-tags-special-faces-re)) (progn (org-set-tag-faces 
(quote org-tag-faces) org-tag-faces))) (org-set-local (quote 
calc-embedded-open-mode) "# ") (modify-syntax-entry 64 "w") (if 
org-startup-truncated (setq truncate-lines t)) (org-set-local (quote 
font-lock-unfontify-region-function) (quote org-unfontify-region)) 
(org-set-local (quote org-table-may-need-update) t) (org-add-hook (quote 
before-change-functions) (quote org-before-change-function) nil (quote local)) 
(org-add-hook (quote kill-buffer-hook) (quote org-check-running-clock) nil 
(quote local)) (org-set-autofill-regexps) (setq indent-line-function (quote 
org-indent-line-function)) (org-update-radio-target-regexp) (org-set-local 
(quote beginning-of-defun-function) (quote org-beginning-of-defun)) 
(org-set-local (quote end-of-defun-function) (quote org-end-of-defun)) 
(org-set-local (quote next-error-function) (quote org-occur-next-match)) (if 
org-enforce-todo-dependencies (add-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) (quote 
org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)) (remove-hook (quote 
org-blocker-hook) (quote org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent))) 
(if org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies (add-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) 
(quote org-block-todo-from-checkboxes)) (remove-hook (quote org-blocker-hook) 
(quote org-block-todo-from-checkboxes))) (org-set-local (quote comment-start) 
"#") (org-set-local (quote comment-padding) " ") (org-set-local (quote 
align-mode-rules-list) (quote ((org-in-buffer-settings (regexp . 
"^#\\+[A-Z_]+:\\(\\s-*\\)\\S-+") (modes quote (org-mode)))))) (org-set-local 
(quote imenu-create-index-function) (quote org-imenu-get-tree)) (if (or nil 
(not (boundp (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function)))) (org-add-hook 
(quote isearch-mode-end-hook) (quote org-isearch-end) (quote append) (quote 
local)) (org-set-local (quote outline-isearch-open-invisible-function) 
(function (lambda (&rest ignore) (org-show-context (quote isearch)))))) (and 
org-startup-with-beamer-mode (org-beamer-mode 1)) (set (make-local-variable 
(quote pcomplete-command-completion-function)) (quote org-pcomplete-initial)) 
(set (make-local-variable (quote pcomplete-command-name-function)) (quote 
org-command-at-point)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
pcomplete-default-completion-function)) (quote ignore)) (set 
(make-local-variable (quote pcomplete-parse-arguments-function)) (quote 
org-parse-arguments)) (set (make-local-variable (quote 
pcomplete-termination-string)) "") (if (and org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file 
(interactive-p) (= (point-min) (point-max))) (insert "#    -*- mode: org 
-*-\n\n")) ...))
  set-auto-mode-0(org-mode nil)

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