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bug#12708: 24.1; M-x display-time-world "q" close window

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#12708: 24.1; M-x display-time-world "q" close window
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 13:04:54 +0200

> BTW, when I needed to do the same for the *Occur* buffer
> (to kill it after going to the occurrence) I created a new command
> `occur-mode-goto-occurrence-kill-buffer' based on
> `occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window':
> (defun occur-mode-goto-occurrence-kill-buffer ()
>   "Go to the occurrence the current line describes, and kill the Occur 
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((buf (current-buffer))
>         (pos (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
>     (switch-to-buffer-other-window (marker-buffer pos))
>     (goto-char pos)
>     (kill-buffer buf)
>     (run-hooks 'occur-mode-find-occurrence-hook)))
> I still have no idea how to generalize this common behavior.

Why don't you quit the *Occur* buffer window first and do a simple
`pop-to-buffer' afterwards?  In any case I think that the "kill the
*Occur* buffer" effect should be achieved with some sort of prefix.

BTW, I find bindings like

    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'occur-mode-goto-occurrence)
    (define-key map "\C-m" 'occur-mode-goto-occurrence)
    (define-key map "o" 'occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window)

very confusing.

> In addition to this, it could also use the action
> `display-buffer-below-selected' (like in dired),

I think `display-buffer-at-bottom' would suit better.  But this needs
some way to say bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right.  I'm not yet
sure how to do that best.

> and instead of `fit-window-to-buffer' it could use
> '((window-height . fit-window-to-buffer)).

I installed that now.


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