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bug#3233: 23.0.93; [NS] Regression in x-display-pixel-width

From: Ian Eure
Subject: bug#3233: 23.0.93; [NS] Regression in x-display-pixel-width
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 14:22:27 -0700

On May 6, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

It looks like the rewrite of (ns_get_screen) has some problems. In recent
nightlies, the following code breaks:

(x-display-pixel-width (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'display))

Wrong type argument: terminal-live-p, "electron.local"
It worked as of 05/05,

As of 05/05 it treated any string as equivalent to nil, indeed.
Not sure if that qualifies as "worked".  Can you point us to code that
is affected?

I don't think there's anything in Emacs itself, but it broke my code which centers an Emacs frame:

(defun screen-usable-height (&optional display)
  "Return the usable height of the display.

Some window-systems have portions of the screen which Emacs
cannot address. This function should return the height of the
screen, minus anything which is not usable."
  (- (display-pixel-height display)
     (cond ((eq window-system 'ns) 22)
           (t 0))))

(defun screen-usable-width (&optional display)
  "Return the usable width of the display.

This works like `screen-usable-height', but for the width of the display."
  (display-pixel-width display))

(defun frame-box-get-center (w h cw ch)
  "Center a box inside another box.

Returns a list of `(TOP LEFT)' representing the centered position
of the box `(w h)' inside the box `(cw ch)'."
  (list (/ (- cw w) 2) (/ (- ch h) 2)))

(defun frame-get-center (frame)
  "Return the center position of FRAME on it's display."
  (let ((disp (frame-parameter frame 'display)))
(frame-box-get-center (frame-pixel-width frame) (frame-pixel- height frame)
                          (screen-usable-width disp)
                          (screen-usable-height disp))))

(defun frame-center (&optional frame)
  "Center a frame on the screen."
  (let ((frame (or frame (selected-frame))))
    (apply 'set-frame-position `(,frame ,@(frame-get-center frame)))))

I don't know how (display-pixel-height) handles multihead displays, but it seems saner to explicitly pass the display the frame occupies.

 - Ian

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